Year (field_media_year)
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Costas Tsoclis

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Costas Tsoclis.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: K. H. Hödicke

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: K. H. Hödicke.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Zbigniew Herbert

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Zbigniew Herbert.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Oswald Wiener

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Oswald Wiener.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: George Tabori

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: George Tabori.
  • Begegnung auf dem Deich/Spotkanie na grobli, München 1883

    Begegnung auf dem Deich/Spotkanie na grobli, München 1883. Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 110 cm
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Gerd Rohling

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Gerd Rohling.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: George Rickey

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: George Rickey.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Rebecca Horn

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Rebecca Horn.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Eduardo Paolozzi

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Eduardo Paolozzi.
  • Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Maria Lassnig

    Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Maria Lassnig.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Milan Knížak

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Milan Knížak.
  • Am Feuer, undatiert

    Am Feuer, undatiert. Öl auf Leinwand, 56 x 46 cm (im Auktionshandel, Sotheby’s, 2004)
  • Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Dorothy Iannone

    Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Dorothy Iannone.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Johannes Grützke

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Johannes Grützke.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Daniel Gogel

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Daniel Gogel.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Armando

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Armando.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Heinz Otterson

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Heinz Otterson.
  • Betende bayerische Frau/Modląca się Bawarka, München 1890

    Betende bayerische Frau/Modląca się Bawarka, München 1890. Radierung, 27,6 x 23,5 (Blatt: 34 x 25,5) cm
  • Photos with Peter Zadek from the second memoir taken in Berlin in 2006

    Photos with Peter Zadek from the second memoir taken in Berlin in 2006.