Year (field_media_year)
  • Dokument Nr. 98/2

    Beglaubigte Übersetzung der Ernennung A. Topolnickis zum Lehrer in Raków, Kreis Dolina.
  • Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald

    Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2019
  • ill. 18b: Neuengamme Memorial, 1999

    Neuengamme Memorial, 1999. Commissioned by the Bund der Polen in Deutschland e.V. In memory of the persons deported from the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, Neuengamme concentration camp, Hamburg, Polish mem...
  • PDF 4: Thaddäus Rittner, Und Pippa tanzt!, 1910

    Thaddäus Rittner: Und Pippa tanzt!, in: Der Sturm, Jahrgang 1910, Nr. 30, Berlin, Wien, 22.9.1910, Seite 238 f. (Nachdruck aus: Die Fackel, Wien, April 1906)
  • ill.9: Helena Bohle-Szacki, untitled, 1976

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, untitled, ink and paper on cardboard, 1976
  • Remains of the crematorium

    Marian Stefanowski, Remains of the crematorium after the explosions 1952 and 1953, 12 August 2018
  • The plaque commemorates the concert by Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław

    The plaque on the Wroclaw Cathedral commemorates the concert by Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław.
  • Tadeusz Kantor, Object Pictural

    1964, Oil on canvas, 195 x 130 cm
  • Fig. 7: Colour postcard of Bahnhofstraße in Herne, ca. 1912

    The town centre in Herne, postcard, author unknown, ca. 1912
  • Jürgen Tomm and Anatol Gotfryd, Reading in the Berlin Buchhändlerkeller on 4 March 2018. (Extract)

    Jürgen Tomm and Anatol Gotfryd, Reading in the Berlin Buchhändlerkeller on 4 March 2018. (Extract).
  • Video excerpt from an animated film

  • Mensura

    Installation view – Measuring the World, CentralTrak, University of Dallas, Texas, US, 2016
  • Fig. 1: “Bank Robotników”

    Inscription “Bank Robotników e.G.m.b.H.“ (Polish Workers’ Bank) in the street Am Kortländer
  • Rezension im Wormser Wochenblatt

    "Geschichten von Liebe und Schmerz", Rezension im Wormser Wochenblatt, 2008
  • Palais Radziwill - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • “D. The name is Diamant” – A life between East and West (doc. film 2024)

    Dora Diamant (1898–1952), actress, activist and Franz Kafka’s last partner. Who was this woman? This film embarks on a search for clues.
  • Abb. 51: Ausstellung „An der Schwelle der Unendlichkeit“, Sopot 2017

    Bilder der Ausstellung „An der Schwelle der Unendlichkeit“ in der Staatlichen Kunstgalerie Sopot, 2017
  • ill. 16: Paweł Wróbel: City under the sign of mining

    Oil on canvas, 41 x 66 cm, Kunsthalle Recklinghausen.
  • Fig. 3: Rear of the headstone of the collective grave

    Rear of the headstone of the collective grave, Old Cemetery, Bornstraße, Wetter/Ruhr