Year (field_media_year)
  • Plakat "Margaux Kier und die BANDiten"

    Plakat "Margaux Kier und die BANDiten"
  • The first congress of Poles in Germany - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek erhält den polnischen Verdienstorden, Berlin 2014

    Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek erhält den polnischen Verdienstorden (Krzyż Komandorski) von dem Botschafter Jerzy Margański, Berlin 2014.
  • Abb. 45: Rudolf Valenta, Milan Dobeš, Horst Bartnig, Andrzej Nowacki, Berlin 2011

    (von links): Rudolf Valenta, Milan Dobeš, Horst Bartnig, Andrzej Nowacki, Berlin 2011
  • Aus der Sammlung von Jacek Głaszcz

    Eine sizilianische Marionette
  • ill. 11: Stanisław Denkiewicz, Figures, undated

    From left to right: woman with radio; women in folk costume from Radom; woman with daughter and son; couple; butter woman, coloured wooden sculptures.
  • Employees of the station Radio Free Europe

    At a meeting in Warsaw
  • Zjednoczenie Zawodowe Polskie, Bochum 1910

    Marke der Polnischen Berufsvereinigung für Bestätigung der Sonderzahlung „für Agitation“
  • Lawrence Alma-Tadema: Portrait of Ignacy Jan Paderewski

    Oil on canvas.
  • Fig. 24: Memorial panel for Eduard Reichenbaum

    Memorial panel for Eduard Reichenbaum from Kattowitz/Katowice, rose garden at the Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • “Warsaw, cloister wall”

    In Powiśle. From the series “Urban Spaces”, Inkjet photo print, 60 x 144 cm (Edition: 10).
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, organiser of the exhibition Ewa Hartmann in front of the “PoKuSa” gallery
  • City view Wrocław, 1987

    City view Wrocław, 1987.
  • Ill. 22: Zafos Xagoraris

    Zafos Xagoraris (*1963 Athens): The Welcoming Gate, 2017
  • Fig. 10: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 10, 1986

    Coloured pencils on paper, 24x32 cm, private collection
  • Agata Madejska, 81-86, 2010

    Agata Madejska, 81-86, 2010, lightjet c-type print on Forex and waxed MDF, 119 x 167 x 5 cm. Installation view, einszehn, zweizehn, dreizehn: Sunah Choi & Agata Madejska, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, ...
  • Buyers and seller at the Polish market in Berlin.

    Buyers and seller at the Polish market in Berlin. In the background the station for the line where the magnetic train was being tested.
  • Tombstones and memorial plaques at the cemetery in Krefeld

  • Grave of Teofila and Marcel Reich-Ranicki

    Grave of Teofila and Marcel Reich-Ranicki on the main Frankfurt cemetery.