Year (field_media_year)
  • The graves of the polish burial ground

  • Today's terrain of the Fortress in Magdeburg

    Today's terrain of the Fortress in Magdeburg.
  • Tombstones and information board  at the cemetery in Essen-Schönebeck

  • Maciek (Maciej Gebel), 1983

    Trainer. He worked in West-Berlin with the Solidarność working group and the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Solidarności – KOS). Friends with Giorgio Caroti, the owner of the legendary jaz...
  • Generationenübergreifende Begegnungen im Sprachcafé Polnisch

  • ill. 8: Make your own Picture of Berlin/ Stwórz sobie własny obraz Berlina

    Poster action on the occasion of the Berlin days in Warsaw in 2000.
  • Title page of a brochure to mark the 11th anniversary of the founding of the society

    Breslau (Wrocław) 1935
  • Self-portrait/Portret własny, 1875

    Self-portrait/Portret własny, 1875. Oil on canvas, 69.5 x 57 cm
  • Kindheitsfoto

  • Abb. 3: Józef Simmler (1823-1868): Death of Barbara Radziwill

    Oil on canvas, 96 x 111 cm.
  • “Helikopter w brzuchu (Flugzeuge im Bauch)” – live in the ‘Werkstatt der Kulturen’, Berlin, October 2005 (Studio version on the CD “sorglos”, 2000)

    Vocals: Celina Muza | Music/Text: Herbert Grönemeyer – Polish Text: Celina Muza | Musicians: Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq (sax), Guilherme Castro (bass), Zbigniew Kosmalski (piano), Rolo Rodriguez (drums), Magd...
  • Alte Scheune der Familie Tomczak/Pawlisiak in Orkowo, Bj. 1907.

    V.l. Patrick Barteit mit Tochter Lili-Marleen, Onkel Edward Pawlisiak, Cousin Krzysztof Budzyn mit Dominika. 
  • Karol Broniatowski, bronze sculpture and large-format gouache

    Bronze sculpture and large-format gouache.
  • ill. 11/1: Polski wojak na obczyźnie [The Polish soldier abroad]

    Cover. Published by Antoni Markiewicz, Celle 1946. Offset lithographs on dark grey passe-partout, 32.5 x 24.5 cm.
  • Stifterfiguren Markgraf Hermann von Meißen und Reglindis

    Naumburger Meister: Stifterfiguren Markgraf Hermann von Meißen und Reglindis, Tochter von Bolesław I. Chrobry (verheiratet seit 1002), um 1250. Sandstein, Dom St. Peter und Paul, Naumburg (Saale)
  • Fig. 1: Paris – the invalids

    Walkowa and the Invalids, 1912. Illustration from Kossak's “Memoirs”
  • Grand opening of the Polish grammar school in Bytom 2

    In the presence of invited guests, teachers and students.
  • Seite 1

    Franciszek Herzog, „Religion: The Bulwark of POW´s. Religious Artwork in Woldenberg; the polish POW´s Camp in Germany 1940–1945”
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld