Year (field_media_year)
  • Friedhof Hannover-Anderten

  • Table tennis group

    ZPU summer holiday camp, Düsseldorf, undated.
  • Marek Pelc on the balcony of his apartment

    Frankfurt/Main, around 2010
  • Abb. 27: Land/Über/Gang XV/5, 2002

    Land/Über/Gang XV/5, 2002. Acryl, Pigmente, Graphit auf MDF, 100 x 200 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Ill. 67: Helmich van Tweenhuysen, 1650/55

    Based on an unknown painting, Teylers Museum, Haarlem.
  • David Ben-Gurion in Eschwege

    Photograph of David Ben-Gurion 1946 in Eschwege
  • Fig. 42: Water carrier, 1942

    Water carrier from Staszów, 1942. Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, owned by the family
  • "Pola Negri - unsterblich", Dokumentation von 2017

    Eine Filmdokumentation über Leben und Schaffen eines der größten Stummfilmstars in Deutschland polnischer Herkunft.
  • With Brygida Helbig

    “Reading what the neighbours write” (“Lesen, was die Nachbarn schreiben” / “Czytać, co piszą sąsiedzi”) series at the Humboldt Library, Berlin-Tegel 2023
  • Tombstones with the names of the deceased forced labourers and inmates, as well as commemorative plaques

  • 19. Historical-Technical Museum Peenemünde

    Former terrain of the Army Research Institute and the Peenemünde power plant. Today Historical-Technical Museum.
  • Impressions of the polish burial ground

  • Dokument Nr. 73

    Ernennungsschreiben des Zentralkomitees für Schul- und Bildungsangelegenheiten in der amerikanischen Besatzungszone – Topolnicki wird Leiter des Schulkreises Durzyn (Wildflecken).
  • The inside of the Polish bookshop in the 1980s.

    The inside of the Polish bookshop in the 1980s. On the chair to the right is the very popular record “Polish Summer” with original recordings from the time of the strike in Gdańsk and the fight agains...
  • dokument Nr. 141

    Abschiedsschreiben des polnischen DP-Lagerleiters aufgrund der Umfunktionierung des Lagers in ein Durchgangslager und der Auflösung polnischer Selbstverwaltungsorgane.
  • The graves of the polish burial ground

  • In "Agata's" wine cellar

    A Polish woman who had trained as a professional cook in Germany, a German cook with Korean roots and an experienced, imaginative cosmopolitan as a sommelier. Perhaps it is precisely this mixture that...
  • Cemetery and tombstones with polish sounding names

  • Waltraut & Wanja, 1983

    Waltraut Kerber-Ganse – Social worker. Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin. Together with Wanja Ronge, her friend at the time, she organised and sent more than 20 transports to Poland conta...