Year (field_media_year)
  • Abb. 23: Fluss, 2002

    Fluss, 2002. Holzschnitt in MDF, Acryl, Graphit, 400 x 250 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Ill. 63: Bogusław Leszczyński, 1650/55

    After a painting by Daniel Schultz, National Library of Warsaw/Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie.
  • Tomasz Kiryłłow with his school friends

    Tomasz Kiryłłow with his school friends
  • Fig. 39: The arrival of the Messiah, 1939

    The arrival of the Messiah in the village, 1939. Oil on canvas, 60 x 75 cm, owned by the family
  • Ill. 59: Portrait of Julia Rylska, ca. 1930

    Portrait of the writer and translator Julia Rylska, ca. 1930. Oil on cardboard, 69.5 x 48.5 cm
  • DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Programme

    Denis Scheck, Ryszard Kapuściński, Dorota (Danielewicz-)Kerski at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 1999
  • Tombstones with the names of the deceased forced labourers and inmates, as well as commemorative plaques

  • 15. Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun

    Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun made three educational films about the conquest of space in the 1950s.
  • Impressions of the polish burial ground

  • Dokument Nr.71

    Eingabe der Polnischen Vereinigung an US Zone Chief of Operations wegen der Schließung der Schule und Entlassung der Lehrer in Wildflecken.
  • In the operating theatre at Warsaw University

    Jan von Mikulicz-Radecki in the operating theatre at Warsaw University, 1899.
  • Dokument Nr. 140/12

    Lehrplan einer Landwirtschaftlichen Schule in Glasgow für das Jahr 1945, bearbeitet von R. Szydłowski.
  • Memorial plaques and information boards

  • Agata Reul welcomes her guests and serves

    Often she herself stands in the kitchen and serves when someone on the staff is absent. This does not prevent Agata Reul from talking to each guest at least briefly, greeting them personally or saying...
  • Fig. 8: Sanatorium Hoffmann, Kierling

    The building where Franz Kafka died: the former Sanatorium Hoffmann, Kierling bei Klosterneuburg, Tulln district, Lower Austria
  • Fig. 51: Portrait of Robert Giraud, 1946

    Portrait of Robert Giraud, 1946. Oil on canvas, 46 x 37 cm, owned by the family
  • Ill. 9: Larissa, 2004

    Larissa, from the Novices series, 2004. C-Print, 79 x 66 cm
  • ill. 4: Cultural posters in Poland

    Cultural posters were ubiquitous in Poland - at least this is how a Western audience was often suggested by two photographs from Józef Mroszczak, Polish poster art, Vienna and Düsseldorf 1962, without...
  • Impressions of the cemetery