Documents, photographs, witness statements, films and all sources systematically collected by Porta Polonica are digitized and recorded in a database.
Fig. 10: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1931
First page of the November/December edition with a statement by the editors of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” on editorial problems and delays with regard to the publication of the youth periodical.
Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław
Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław, organized by the Center for "Future and Remembrance" (Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość) in Wrocław. Table IX / XV.
The award of the title of honorary doctor, group photo
Front row left Heinrich Scholz, centre Jan Łukasiewicz, alongside him his wife Regina Barwińska, behind her Hans Adolf von Moltke. Second row, fourth from the right, Adolf Kratzer
Schloss Biržai, Litauen, 1638-40 errichtet unter Janusz Radziwiłł dem Jüngeren (1612-1655) nach einem Vorgängerbau des 16. Jahrhunderts. 1704 zerstört, 1978-85 rekonstruiert
Studierendenausweis von Helena Bohle nach der Immatrikulation an der Akademie der Schönen Künste in Łódź (ursprünglich Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Sztuk Plastycznych: PWSSP).