Year (field_media_year)
  • Abrogation of the death sentence against Bronisława Czubakowska

    Decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions of the State of Brandenburg (29/4/2005)
  • Widok ogólny

    Widok ogólny
  • Artur Brauner with Jerzy Margański

    Hotel de Rome in Berlin in January.
  • Sara, 1991

    Oil on canvas, 115 x 95 cm, in possession of the artist
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • "Pojechała mama z tatą" [Mama ist mit dem Vater weggefahren]

    Plakatvorlage zum polnischen Puppentheaterspiel
  • Fig. 5: “On the Road” (Unterwegs) 13, 1996

    Acrylic on canvas, 46x33 cm, private collection
  • The victors in the javelin at the Olympic Games, Berlin 1936

    The victors in the javelin at the Olympic Games, from left to right: Othilie “Tilly” Fleischer (gold), Maria Kwaśniewska (bronze) and Luise Krüger (silver), Berlin 1936.
  • Ill. 23: The Medes. II Monarchy, King Darius

    From the series ‘Die vier Weltgegenden’ or ‘Die vier Monarchien’. Copper engraving after a design by Claude Vignon, 31.5 x 21.7 cm (trimmed text), signed: J. Falck Fecit
  • Rerum Natura (detail)

    2015, Paper, bleach, copper, oil on linen, 70 x 60 cm
  • Agata Madejska, Technocomplex 004, 2017

    Agata Madejska, Technocomplex 004, 2017, light sensitive coating, pewter, 57 x 65 x 1 cm.
  • Ill. 25: Girl in the Garden

    Oil on paperboard, 65,5 x 42 cm
  • Memorial stone and the two information panels

    Site of the former concentration camp satellite, Witten-Annen
  • Fig. 57: Cossack on horseback

    Water colour with opaque colours on paper, 27 x 39.3 cm
  • The “Naród” editorial team in Bahnhofstraße in Herne

    The “Naród” editorial team in Bahnhofstraße in Herne, from “Narodowiec”, anniversary edition 1959, see PDF Narodowiec 1972-1959, p. 91
  • In front of the House of the Tomasz/Galewsky Family, Osterfeld in 1929

    The wedding of Helena Galewsky. The families Tomczak, Galewsky, Jankowiak and Kobuczyński in front of the house of the Tomasz/Galewsky family, Ziegelstr. 63b, Osterfeld in 1929.
  • Delegates to the II Congress of Poles from abroad, on a Street in Dortmund, 1934

    Delegates to the II Congress of Poles from abroad, on a Street in Dortmund, 1934.
  • Bildnis einer jungen Frau/Dziewczyna, 1908

    Bildnis einer jungen Frau/Dziewczyna, 1908. Öl auf Leinwand, 34,5 x 24,5 cm, im Auktionshandel (ALTIUS, Warschau).
  • Tombstones of the Poles

  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.