Year (field_media_year)
  • asdf sadf asdf

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  • Zwei im Wald

    Zwei im Wald, Małgosia Jankowska, 2014, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 100 x 150 cm.
  • Zwei Boote

    Zwei Boote, Małgosia Jankowska, 2015, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 70 x 100 cm.
  • Wanderung

    Wanderung, Małgosia Jankowska, 2015, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 70 x 100 cm.
  • See im Winter

    See im Winter, Małgosia Jankowska, 2015, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 150 x 120 cm.
  • Memento mori

    Memento mori, Małgosia Jankowska, 2014, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 120 x 94 cm.
  • In den Bergen

    In den Bergen, Małgosia Jankowska, 2013, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 70 x 100 cm.
  • Małgosia Jankowska

    In Blau, 2015, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 100 x 150 cm.
  • Hütte am Waldsee

    Hütte am Waldsee, Małgosia Jankowska, 2015, Aquarell, Filzstift auf Papier, 150 x 120 cm.
  • Payroll, 1947

    According to this payroll in January 1947 UNRRA employed seven teachers in the Polish camp school in Cammer (part of the DPAC Lahde).
  • List of DPs, Lahde 1945

    This list shows the number of DPs working in the camps belonging to the Lahde DPAC in July 1945, two months after it was set up.
  • Official greeting of the Polish bishop, Józef Gawlina

    After the war many Polish displaced persons found a job in the British occupied zone.
  • Jarosława Lysaniuk

    Jarosława Lysaniuk was originally employed in the “General Government” before she was deported as a forced labourer to Schönebeck/Elbe.
  • DPAC Lahde. The camp in Lahde

    Two displaced persons posing for a souvenir photo in front of the “Hotel Tonne” (in the background)
  • A look inside the exhibition with works by Tadeusz Makowski

    A look inside the exhibition with works by Tadeusz Makowski (1882-1932).(l. to r. Self Portrait, 1930; Miser, 1932; Four Children with a Trombone, 1929.
  • A look inside the exhibition, including works by Maria Jarema

    A look inside the exhibition, including works by Maria Jarema (1908-1958) and Jerzy Nowosielski (1923-2011). (l to r.: Jarema, Filter XIII, 1954; Nowosielski, Female Swimmer, 1959 and Synthetic Landsc...
  • A look inside the exhibition in the Folkwang Museum 1962

    A look inside the exhibition in the Folkwang Museum 1962, including the Fantastic Composition by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz (1885-1939), 1915-1920 (2. r.).
  • Marek Hłasko - Polish writer

    The photo was taken at an interview shortly before he travelled to Israel on 20th January 1959.
  • Sonja Ziemann - Actor, dancer

    In the film 'Der Tod fährt mit', 1962.
  • Sonja Ziemann shows Marek Hłasko her world

    Sonja Ziemann shows Marek Hłasko her world. Probably 1957.