Year (field_media_year)
  • Exhibition in K-Salon

    Berlin-Kreuzberg, 2023
  • Graves at the catholic graveyard in Braunschweig

  • Ill. 13: Johanna

    From the Novices series, C-Print, 79 x 66 cm
  • In the exhibition of the former concentration camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej

    In the exhibition of the former concentration camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej in the basement vault of the Franciscan church in Oświęcim, 2019.
  • ill. 17: Jan Lenica, Olympic Games Munich 1972

  • At a bowling evening.

    Jan von Mikulicz-Radecki at a bowling evening of the Association for Scientific Medicine in Königsberg.
  • Dokument Nr. 92/1

    Antwortschreiben des Polnischen Verbandes betreffend ein Eigentumsnachweis (eines Mikroskops) an A. Topolnicki.
  • Abb. 1: Selbstbildnis mit Gattin, um 1910

    Stanislaus Stückgold: Selbstbildnis mit Gattin, um 1910. Öl auf Rupfen, signiert St. Stückgold, 60 x 69 cm, im Auktionshandel (2018)
  • ill. 9: untitled, 1998

    untitled, 1998. Various types of wood, 450 x 230 x 56 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Cell construction

    Marian Stefanowski, Cell construction – a mysterious place of gruesome abuse and murder, 4 November 2019
  • ill.2: Helena Bole's study book

    Helena Bole's study book, Staatliche Hochschule für bildende Künste in Lodz
  • Fig. 15: Gymnastics club, 1930s

    Photograph of a gymnastics club, photograph, 1930s
  • Denkmal für Edmund Bojanowski in Breslau

    Denkmal für Edmund Bojanowski in Breslau.
  • Joanna Rajkowska

    Habitat, Wrocław 2016
  • Männlicher Akt/Akt męski, 1884

    Männlicher Akt/Akt męski, 1884. Öl auf Leinwand, 33,5 x 43,5 cm
  • Jacek Tyblewski in the corridors of the ‘Haus des Rundfunks’ in Berlin

    In the beginning, he not only worked in the Polish editorial office, he also presented programmes in the German-language daily programme of ‘radio multikulti’.
  • Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz, poster for the Solidarność union

    Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz, poster for the Solidarność union of individual farmers, 1981
  • Abb. 9: Kongress der Union Internationaler Fortschrittlicher Künstler, 1922 r.

    Kongress der Union Internationaler Fortschrittlicher Künstler, Düsseldorf, 29.-31. Mai 1922. Von links: unbekannt, Werner Graeff, Raoul Hausmann, Theo van Doesburg, Cornelis van Eesteren, Hans Richter...
  • Meyer together with Irina Shostakovich in Dilijan, Armenia

    Krzysztof Meyer has many unforgettable memories of his numerous meetings with Dmitri Shostakovich, but unfortunately not a single photo.
  • Kurfürst Karl III. Philipp von der Pfalz, 1729

    Johann Philipp van der Schlichten (1681-1745): Kurfürst Karl III. Philipp von der Pfalz, 1729. Öl auf Leinwand, 250 x 120 cm, Inv. Nr. G 1861, Kurpfälzisches Museum Heidelberg