Year (field_media_year)
  • Carving of the imprisoned people

    Carvings or paintings of the imprisoned people can also be found in the wooden walls and bedsteads of the residential barracks in Auschwitz II, Oświęcim 2019.
  • Barbara Schöneberger with Ann Sophie and Mark Forster at the live show of the club concert - Our song for Austria

    ‘Große Freiheit 36’ Hamburg, 19 February
  • Tombstones of the polish soldiers

  • Dokument Nr. 103/2

    Beglaubigte Übersetzung des Taufscheines von A. Topolnicki aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsche.
  • Abb. 17: Zarnower, Konstruktivistische Gestaltung, 1924

    Teresa Żarnowerówna: Ohne Titel (Konstruktivistische Gestaltung), 1924, in: Blok & Kurjer Bloku, No. 8-9, Warschau, November 1924
  • ill. 23: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Basswood, 97 x 97 x 29 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 9: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1937

    Title page of the April edition. The heading reads: “April – the Month of Polish Youth”.
  • ill.18: Helena Bohle-Szacki, Imprisoned, 1998

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, Imprisoned, ink on cardboard, 1998
  • Papst Johannes Paul II. im Parkstadion Gelsenkirchen

    Papst Johannes Paul II. bei seiner Ankunft im Papamobil im Parkstadion Gelsenkirchen, 2. Mai 1987.
  • University of Wrocław

    University of Wrocław.
  • German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2014

    German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2014
  • Plaque 1

    Plaque with names of victims 1-10
  • Still Life with Rattles

    Bereźnicki, Kiejstut; (*1935 Poznań, lives in Sopot). Oil on canvas, 130 x 134 cm; Inv. no. 1216.
  • Abb. 10: Kreuzauffindung, um 1490

    Kreuzauffindung durch die heilige Helena, um 1490
  • Janusz Maria Stefański

    Janusz Maria Stefański
  • Mieczysław Górowski: Posters and patterns

    Poster for his solo exhibition in January 2011 in the Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery.
  • Iwona Rozbiewska

    Studied at the Warsaw and Munich Art Academies and did her doctorate at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. In her work, she refers to architecture and culture.
  • Fig. 10a: Zdzisław Jasiński

    Zdzisław Jasiński: The ailing mother, oil on canvas, 1889, on the auction market
  • ill. 9/15: Jacobus Belsen (1870-1937): How Herr Hitler takes the word “legal” into his mouth

    In: Der wahre Jakob, 53rd, no. 5, Berlin 27.2.1932, Rear page.
  • Fig. 33: The Indecent Woman, 1904

    Witold Wojtkiewicz: The Indecent Woman (Fallen Woman), 1904. From the “Tragicomic Sketches” cycle, ink, gouache, coloured pencil on paper, 47.5 x 38.7 cm, inv. no. MNK III-r.a-11688, National Museum o...