Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 7: Jacqueline Morgenstern

    Jacqueline Morgenstern from Paris at her first communion, 1944
  • ill. 8: Letters, 1940

    Letters from J.D. Kirszenbaum and his wife Helma, 1940
  • „Obóz wszystkich świętych“, critical edition

    Introduction, editing and notes: Wacław Lewandowski.
  • In front of Wiesbaden city hall, 2012

    Ewa Hartmann, Prof. Norman Smuzniak, Sibylle von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Prof. Katarzyna Koczyńska-Kielan
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • "Magdalenka" in Gelsenkirchen - the counter

    A Silesian grocery shop in the heart of Gelsenkirchen.
  • Fig. 15: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 18, 1983

    Black ink, gouache on paper, 20x29 cm, private collection
  • Name day celebration telegram, 1928

    Name day celebration telegram bearing a portrait of Count Józef Poniatowski, colour print, 1928.
  • Ill. 31: Gate of Honour, 1646

    After Adolf Boy, National Library of Warsaw/Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie.
  • Crackdown by the German authorities on the Polish minority

    Situation report for June/July from 11/8/1937, Secret State Police (Gestapo), Oppeln State Police Station
  • Agata Madejska, Installation view, ∼ =, Impuls Bauhaus, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, 2019

    Agata Madejska, Installation view, ∼ =, Impuls Bauhaus, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, 2019. Mistakes Were Made, 2018/19, fabric, steel, nylon fishing line, vinyl, speakers, cables, media player, 600 x 200 ...
  • Ill. 35: Portrait of August Radwan, 1904/05

    Portrait of the Pianist August Radwan, 1904/05. Oil and tempera on canvas on paperboard, 75 x 80.3 cm
  • Tombstones of the war victims

  • 3. Transport einer V2-Rakete

    Transport einer V2-Rakete, Peenemünde, Juni 1942.
  • Abb. 8: Krakau, Mai 2012

    Karolina Chyżewska: Entwurf zum Comic-Buch „Fast wie zu Hause“, 2015
  • The wedding party in the yard of the Tomczak/Galewsky family. Osterfeld 1929

    The wedding of Helena Galewsky: the families Tomczak, Galewsky, Jankowiak and Kobuczyński in front of the house of the Tomasz/Galewsky family, Ziegelstr. 63b. Osterfeld 1929.
  • St Michael’s Polish Club in Recklinghausen, 1913

    25th anniversary of St Michael’s Polish Club in Recklinghausen, Ig. Maciejak, photomontage, original print, 40 x 65 cm, 1913
  • Der Brandstifter, um 1915

    Der Brandstifter, um 1915. Farblithographie, 26 x 22 cm (Blatt 42 x 33 cm), aus einer von mehreren Mappen „Krieg und Kunst. Original-Steinzeichnungen der Berliner Sezession“, Berlin 1915-17.
  • Tombstones of the Poles

  • Polish guests at the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.

    Polish guests at the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.