Year (field_media_year)
  • Julia und Janusz Stefański, 1994

    Julia und Janusz Stefański, Königstein 1994
  • Ill. 1a: Henry the Pious of Saxony and his Wife Katherine of Mecklenburg after Lucas Cranach the Elder

    Private collection. Metal, glass, the duke’s dog: 117 x 50 x 127 cm, the duchess‘ dog: 44 x 25 x 58 cm, shoes: 28 x 12 x 10 cm.
  • Darius Müller, Head of the Schloß Trebnitz Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum e.V., author of the article, Magda Potorska, and the curator of the open-air event, Marta Wróblewska.

    The Gustav Seitz Museum is to the right in the background.
  • Fig. 16a: Franciszek Streitt

    Franciszek Streitt: A flower for the hat, ca. 1889. Oil on canvas, 72.5 x 58.5 cm, on the auction market
  • ill. 10/4 Kraft durch Freude

    In: Hitleriada macabra, sheet 3. Polish title on the passe-partout: “The Gestapo forcing a statement”.
  • Abb. 2: Eingang zum Polnischen Pavillon

    (Rechts) Sylwester Ambroziak: Innocence, 2020. Acryl, 2teilig, H=145 cm
  • Classroom

    Photo from the 1930s.
  • Exhibition “Jerzy Skolimowski – Paintings” in the “nüü” gallery

  • Abb.1: „Normale DNA / Polnische DNA“

    Zur Leibspeise vieler Polen gehören wohl Räucherwürste und Piroggen. „Normale DNA / Polnische DNA“.
  • Zur Geschichte des Lagers Abb. 4

  • Field Bishop Józef Gawlina (left) during a meeting of the Polish National Council in London

    Deputy Prime Minister Stanisław Mikołajczyk on the right, 1940
  • Fig. 6: The wedding, 1925

    The wedding, 1925. Ink on paper, 28 x 22 cm, Jewish Historical Institute/Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, Warsaw
  • Discussion about the TV documentary ‘The Germans and the Poles’

    Berlin, January, at the Brandenburg State Representation. From left to right: Michael G. Müller, Igor Kąkolewski, Peter Oliver Loew, Magdalena Marszałek, Andrzej Klamt.
  • Left-hand side window in the choir of St.-Johannes-Kirche church in Recklinghausen-Suderwich

    John acclaims Christ as the Son of God after baptising him in the Jordan
  • Natalia Stachon, Blinding 03

    15 copper profiles, trolley (wood, castors, paint), 300 x 60 x 33 cm
  • Tombstones of polish soldiers or with polish sounding names

  • Michael Kurzwelly, the founder of Słubfurt and ‘Nowa Amerika’

    Art project
  • Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald

    Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2019