Year (field_media_year)
  • A photographic work by Susanna Fels.

    A photographic work by Susanna Fels.
  • Ill. 13: Spring in a Small Town (sketch)

    Oil on canvas, 29 x 45.5 cm.
  • Jagdschloss Antonin, Przygodzice, 2013

    Foto: Sławomir Milejski, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland
  • Seite 8

    Pamietnik 1926-1936
  • ill. 11: Stanisław Denkiewicz, Figures, undated

    From left to right: woman with radio; women in folk costume from Radom; woman with daughter and son; couple; butter woman, coloured wooden sculptures.
  • Meeting of the Supreme Council (rada naczelna) and the Board of Directors (zarząd wykonawczy) of the Union of Poles in Germany on 21 January 1927 in Berlin

    In the middle, the Chairman Count Stanisław Sierakowski
  • Hannover Marienwerder

  • Anonymous: Louis Lewandowski

    Portrait in the permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, oil on canvas.
  • Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak, Zenon Babiak, and Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy together

    Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak, Zenon Babiak, and Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy together, 2000.
  • Abb. 45: Megapolis 3, 2006

    Megapolis 3, 2006. Gips, Pigmente, 70 x 70 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Fig. 1 Attack by wolves

  • Installation view: Das Ende wird dennoch kommen

    2021, Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf
  • Roland Schefferski, Jarosławs Kleider, 2019

    Roland Schefferski’s exhibition piece "Jarosławs Kleider", detail view, 2019.
  • Ill. 47: Agnes Denes

    Agnes Denes
 (*1938 Budapest): The Living Pyramid, 2015/2017
  • Der polnische Rocksänger und Texter Stan Borys und Maria Końska-Chmielecki

    Bei einem seiner Auftrtitte gestaltete Maria Końska-Chmielecki das Rahmenprogramm mit, 2005
  • Frauen-„Sokół“ in Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1912 (Rückseite)

    Schwarz-weiße Postkarte des Weiblichen Turnvereins „Sokół” (Falke), Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1912 (Rückseite)
  • Ill. 10: Max-Joseph Square in Munich by Night

    Oil on canvas, 75.5 x 61 cm.
  • North Korea, Haiti, France, and Costa Rica ratify the Convention, 1950

    Raphael Lemkin (upper row, first from the right)
  • Zbigniew Muszyński: Certificate of former concentration camp inmates

    Zbigniew Muszyński: Certificate of former concentration camp inmates.
  • ill. 3b: At the Venice Biennale

    Exhibition of newsprint figures.