Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 13: The Zgorecki family in France, 1920s

    Kasimir Zgorecki and his family, photograph, 1920s
  • St. Martin's Church (Kościół św. Marcina) in Wrocław

    St. Martin's Church (Kościół św. Marcina) in Wrocław.
  • Dorota Monkiewicz

    Videostill aus dem Vortrag, Orońsko, 2020
  • Die Schlacht von Cecora/Bitwa pod Cecorą, 1878

    Die Schlacht von Cecora/Bitwa pod Cecorą, 1878. Öl auf Leinwand, 183,5 x 436 cm
  • The radio multikulti studio in the Haus des Rundfunks in Berlin.

    From here, the programmes were broadcast on the Berlin frequency FM 106.8 Mhz (later 96.3 Mhz).
  • Memorial stone before and after changing

  • Dokument Nr. 99

    Beglaubigte Übersetzung des Zeugnisses über die Prüfung der praktischen Lehrtätigkeit als Lehrer an öffentlichen Volksschulen von A. Topolnicki.
  • Abb. 12: Zarnower, Architektur-Plastik, 1923

    Bildtafel T. Zarnower: Architektur – Plastik, in: Der Sturm, 14. Jahrgang, 6. Heft, Juni 1923, Seite 87
  • ill. 18c: Neuengamme Memorial, 1999

    Neuengamme Memorial, 1999. Commissioned by the Bund der Polen in Deutschland e.V. In memory of the persons deported from the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, Neuengamme concentration camp, Hamburg, German mem...
  • Fig. 3: Illustration of the Polish press in Germany

    Overview of different Polish-language publications.
  • ill.13: Helena Bohle-Szacki, Wasteland

    ill.13: Helena Bohle-Szacki, Wasteland, ink on cardboard, 1989
  • Mit dem Hubschrauber zum Parkstadion

    Papst Johannes Paul II. trifft in Begleitung des Ruhrbischofs Franz Hengsbach mit dem Hubschrauber im Parkstadion ein.
  • Monument to Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław

    Monument to Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław.
  • Burial notification document for Bernhard Switon, copy 2000

    Burial notification document for Bernhard Switon, copy 2000, Original in: German Federal Archives; Berlin, Ger-many; Register of casualty and burial notifications of fallen German soldiers 1939-1945 (...
  • The Polish memorial in a cemetery in Dortmund

    The Polish memorial in a cemetery in Dortmund (Entrance Rennweg), 2018
  • Flyer 1830 p. 12-13

    The Appeal of a Silesian Soldier to his Silesian Comrades before the march to the Polish border.
  • Abb. 5: Der hl. Benedikt, 1483/89

    Weihenstephaner Altar: Der hl. Benedikt als Vater des abendländischen Mönchtums, 1483/89
  • “In memory of ‘Solidarność´s’ fight for freedom and democracy ..."

    “In memory of ‘Solidarność’s’ fight for freedom and democracy and of Poland’s contribution to German reunification and for a politically united Europe” – these words adorn the bronze commemorative pla...
  • Posters by Mirosław Adamczyk

    Poster for his solo exhibition in January 2009 (honoured as one of the 100 best posters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
  • The families of Erna and Paula at the end of the 1950s

    Top (from left) Adrian, Eddy, Leslie and Raymond Binki, Rita Hirschkorn (Norbert’s wife) and Erna Binki. Bottom Hilary, Chaim, Paula and Alan Berlin.