Year (field_media_year)
  • Residential and commercial building on Piłsudski Street in Wrocław, 1965

    Residential and commercial building on Piłsudski Street in Wrocław, 1965.
  • The presentation of the first volume of the history book

    The presentation of the first volume of the history book. Left to right: Thomas Strobel, the Secretary of the History Book Project on the German side, and both Foreign Ministers, Frank-Walter Steinmei...
  • Andrzej Vincenz, Heidelberg 2007

    Andrzej Vincenz, Heidelberg 2007
  • Abb. 26: Berlewi, Mechano-Faktur, 1924

    Henryk Berlewi: Ohne Titel (Mechano-Faktur), 1924, in: in: Blok. Czasopismo awangardy artystycznej, No. 1, 8. März 1924
  • ill. 30: untitled, 2001

    untitled, 2001. Various types of wood, 350 x 106 x 43 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • English war cemetery in Berlin

  • ill.27: Helena Bohle-Szacki, untitled, 1950s

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, untitled, sketch for an illustration for tales by T. Borowski, lithography, 1950s
  • Roman Kochanowski, Dorflandschaft [mit Weiden]

    Roman Kochanowski, Dorflandschaft [mit Weiden], 1896, oil on paper, 17.7 x 23 cm
  • The Barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing

    The barrack 5 of formerly altogether eight barracks of the Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing.
  • Pracownia Katarzyny Kincel-Ossolinskiej w Berlinie, 2020 r.

    Pracownia Katarzyny Kincel-Ossolinskiej w Berlinie, 2020 r.
  • Plaque 10

    Names of victims 1-10
  • Relic no. 2

    Kantor, Tadeusz (1915 Wielopole Skrzyńskie - 1990 Kraków). Oil on canvas, Umbrella, 200 x 130 cm; Inv. no. 2046.
  • Abb. 19: Südlicher Seitenaltar, Blutenburg, 1491

    Südlicher (rechter) Seitenaltar, Schlosskapelle Blutenburg, 1491
  • Janusz Maria Stefański, 1960er Jahre

    Janusz Maria Stefański, Warschau 1960er Jahre
  • Ill. 2a: The Arnolfini Wedding after Jan van Eyck

    Private collection. Metal, glass, dog: 43 x 48 x 26 cm, shoes: 15 x 38 x 35 cm.
  • Frederik Christian Carstens

    Portrait of Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky, 1761, copperplate engraving
  • Fig. 16b: Franciszek Streitt

    Franciszek Streitt: Gypsy boy playing a violin, 1890. Oil on canvas, 50.5 x 41 cm, on the auction market
  • ill. 10/5: A marksman

    In. Hitleriada macabra, sheet 4.
  • Abb. 3: Michał Jackowski

    Empty Gold, 2022. Bronze, Gold-Edition 2/8, 68 x 51 x 68 cm