Year (field_media_year)
  • Abb. 48: Ausstellungseröffnung in Sopot, 2017

    Ausstellungseröffnung in Sopot, (von links): Hubertus Gaßner, Małgorzata Szot-Emus, Andrzej Nowacki, Zbigniew Buski, Sopot, 23.4.2017
  • Facebook profile pic

  • Fig. 49: The room where the murder took place

    The room where the murder took place, with a partition in which the bodies of the children lay, Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Ill. 39: Three Polish Figures

  • Examination form of Stanislaus Kowalski

    A prisoner in the Hinzert camp; here: work education camp, from 17/12/1942 (arrival) until 25/1/1943 (departure)
  • Cutlery

    Cutlery. Find spot: Warstein.
  • Former headquarters of the ZPU in Velbert

    Höferstr. 58, office of the central ZPU board. Kazimierz Odrobny and Witold Szwabowicz lived here. Also the headquarters of the Association of Ukrainian Refugees.
  • Fig. 57: “From Here to There” (Von hier bis dort) 2, 1996

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • High-rise building in Wroclaw, 1983.

    High-rise building in Wroclaw, 1983.
  • Ill. 72: The Virgin Mary with the Infant Jesus and St Anne

    Copperplate engraving after a painting by Andrea del Sarto, 40 x 29.2 cm.
  • Impressions of the memorial of the subcamp Schillstraße in Braunschweig

  • Ill. 15: Agnes

    From the Novices series, C-Print, 79 x 66 cm
  • Insights into the exhibition of the works of the former camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej

    Insights into the exhibition of the works of the former camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej, Oświęcim 2019.
  • ill. 19: Franciszek Starowieyski, Gombrowicz: Operetka

    Announcement of a musical theatre/musical performance
  • The inside of the Polish bookshop in the 1980s.

    The inside of the Polish bookshop in the 1980s. On the chair to the right is the very popular record “Polish Summer” with original recordings from the time of the strike in Gdańsk and the fight agains...
  • Dokument Nr. 94

    Informationsschreiben/Einladung an A. Topolnicki über die Außerordentliche Delegiertenversammlung des Verbandes Polnischer Lager Groß-Hessens in Durzyn-Wildflecken am 17.6.1947.
  • Abb. 4: Marcoussis, Zeichnung, 1922

    Louis Marcoussis: Zeichnung, in: Der Sturm, 13. Jahrgang, 2. Heft, Berlin, Februar 1922, Seite 23
  • ill. 12: untitled, 1999

    untitled, 1999. Basswood, 251 x 140 x 34 cm, National Museum in Stettin/Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie