Year (field_media_year)
  • ill.1: Helena Bohle-Szacki's apartment in Berlin

    Helena Bohle-Szacki's apartment in Berlin
  • Fig. 14: Portrait of a woman, 1920s

    Portrait of a young woman, photograph, 1920s
  • The memorial plaque for Edmund Bojanowski

    The memorial plaque for Edmund Bojanowski.
  • Tatiana Czekalska, Leszek Golec

    Video still from the lecture by Dorota Monkiewicz, Orońsko 2020
  • Ein Schäferpaar im Wald – Idyll/Para pastuszków w lesie – Sielanka, München 1879

    Ein Schäferpaar im Wald – Idyll/Para pastuszków w lesie – Sielanka, München 1879. Öl auf Leinwand, 138 x 104 cm
  • The first provisional editorial offices

    The containers were placed outside the “Haus der Kulturen der Welt” in Berlin.
  • Solidarność poster

    You decide, Solidarność posters for the regional elections 1981
  • Abb. 1: Stanisław Kubicki, Miasteczko (Kleines Städtchen), 1913

    Stanisław Kubicki, Miasteczko (Kleines Städtchen), 1913
  • Presentation of the Jerzy Kurczewski Prize to Meyer by Krzysztof Penderecki

    Auditorium of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Krzysztof Meyer was Krzysztof Penderecki's first graduate student in 1965.
  • Luise Charlotte Radziwill, um 1690-95

    Jan Frans van Douven (1656-1727): Porträt Luise Charlotte Radziwill, um 1690-95. Öl auf Leinwand, Italienischer Staatsbesitz, Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Florenz
  • Polnische Kriegsgefangene in Reinhausen b. Göttingen, 1940 - Rückseite

    Schwarzweiß Fotografie (Rückseite), 28.3.1940, 6,2 x 8,8 cm
  • ill. 6: Caricature of the painter Halina Zaniewska

    In: ‘Słowo polskie’, No. 3.
  • Fig. 16: My Models, 1897

    Jacek Malczewski: My Models, 1897. Oil on canvas, 63 x 36 cm, inv. no. MNK II-b-159, National Museum of Kraków/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
  • ill. 5: Letter from Auschwitz

    To his father.
  • Dom Polski in Olsztyn, 2023

    Dom Polski in Olsztyn, 2023
  • Die Enthüllung des Mahnmals, 18.10.1991

    Die Enthüllung des Mahnmals, 18.10.1991
  • Friedrich Distelbarth: Vase of Love

    Reliefs executed by Karol Ceptowski, chamber wing of the Neue Staatsgalerie.
  • Fig. 85: “Departure, Exodus” (Fortgang, Exodus) 44, 2002

    Acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm, private collection
  • St. Martin's Church and Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew in Wrocław, 1986

    St. Martin's Church and Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew in Wrocław, 1986.