Year (field_media_year)
  • Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald

    Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2019
  • Grave of 96 murdered inmates of Stadelheimer prison

    Grave of 96 murdered inmates of Stadelheimer prison. On the stone uncovered in 1996, the names of all the victims were displayed. Cemetery Am Perlacher Forst, Munich.
  • Abb. 44: Kirszenbaum, Bauer, 1926

    Jesekiel David Kirszenbaum: Bauer mit Gänsen und Schwein, 1926. Illustration zu: S. Dmitrijewskij, Papachen Litwinow, in: Der Querschnitt, Band 11, Berlin 1931, Heft 3, Seite 163
  • ill. 48: untitled, 2005

    untitled, 2005. Poplar, 320 x 320 x 40 cm, Owner: Galeria Szyb Wilson, Kattowitz
  • More graves a the monument at burial ground 35

  • Grab 52

    Grab 52
  • Roman Kochanowski, Girl

    Roman Kochanowski, Girl, fan leaf, oil on mahogany, 27 x 8.5 cm
  • An artist's house in a former barrack

    Today, the area of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing is characterized by its existing socio-cultural mixed use.
  • Hamburg, 1977

    Hamburg, 1977. Polterabend.
  • Roma Stacherska-Jung mit Krzysztof Cugowski

    Roma Stacherska-Jung mit Krzysztof Cugowski von der Rockband „Budka Suflera“.
  • Tadeusz Kantor giving the beat.

    The artist and director was a perfectionist and always demanded that his ideas be perfectly turned into reality.
  • Abb. 37: Bildnis eines jungen Mannes

    Bildnis eines jungen Mannes (Selbstbildnis?), undatiert
  • Jazz Jamboree, 2005

    Jazz Jamboree: Jogi Freund, Werner Wunderlich, Janusz Maria Stefański, Wojtek Karolak, Jan Wroblewski. Frankfurt 2005
  • Ill. 12a: La Marquesa de Pontejos, after Francisco de Goya

    Private collection, London. Cut flat glass on metal construction, dog: 45 x 20 x 45 cm, shoes: 25 x 10 x 15 cm, digital inkjet print on paper, 27 x 17 cm.
  • Names of the buried victims

  • ill. 61: Wooden Object, 2008

    Wooden Object, 2008. Various types of wood, 800 x 800 x 18 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Kirchenfriedhof Augustdorf 2018

    Kirchenfriedhof Augustdorf 2018
  • Roman Kochanowski in his atelier

    Roman Kochanowski in front of the easel in his atelier, photo, 20.6 x 13.5 cm, photographer unknown
  • Socio-cultural mixed use

    Today, the area of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing is characterized by its existing socio-cultural mixed use.