The sole authorised edition based on the fairytale by Waldemar Bonsels, with 45 illustrations by Else Wenz-Viëtor, Verlag Otto und Max Hausser, Ludwigsburg, around 1921-1930.
Wandgrab der seligen Richeza, um 1820. Hölzerner Sarkophag mit klassizistischen Festons, Ganzfigurenporträts von Bischof Anno II. (links) und Richeza (rechts), Öl auf Schiefer, 14. Jahrhundert, Johann...
Presentation of the first volume of the history book, Robert-Jungk-Oberschule in Berlin, 22 June
From left to right: The Polish and German Foreign Ministers, Witold Waszczykowski and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Dietmar Woidke, Minister-President of Brandenburg and Federal Government Coordinator for ...