Year (field_media_year)
  • Karin Stanek’s song “Ich mag dich so wie du bist” (“I like you just as you are”) in the German charts

    Karin Stanek’s song “Ich mag dich so wie du bist” (“I like you just as you are”) in the German charts, 1979
  • Members of “Silesia Superior” during a trip to Wieliczka

  • Scaffolded tower of the St. Elizabeth's Church in Wrocław, 1988

    Scaffolded tower of the St. Elizabeth's Church in Wrocław, 1988.
  • Fig. 70: “People, Borders, Landscapes” (Menschen, Grenzen, Landschaften) 5, 1988

    Gouache, coloured pencils on paper, 31x39.5 cm, private collection
  • Rehearsal photo from “Frau Arndt ist systemrelevant”

    Theaterhaus Berlin, 2021
  • Gravestones of the polish victims of the Second World War in Langenhagen

  • Fig. 18: Booty at the River

    Oil on canvas, 69 x 160 cm
  • Impressions from cemeteries with graves of victims of the Cap Arkona catastrophe

  • Dokument Nr. 32/2

    Rechnung für eine Reisekamera inkl. Kassetten.
  • “Narodowiec” publishing house and print shop in Bahnhofstraße in Herne

    “Narodowiec” publishing house and print shop in Bahnhofstraße in Herne, from “Narodowiec”, anniversary edition 1959, see PDF Narodowiec 1972-1959, p. 91
  • A Caricature of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, 1927

    In: Gustaw Rogalski, Album karykatur 1914-1928 Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego: na pamiątkę dziesięciolecia 1918-1928 niepodległości Polski (Caricatures Album of Marshal J. Piłsudski 1914-1928: to celebrate...
  • Polish fashion magazine “Moda” in Niederlangen (Emsland), 1945

    The cover page of the magazine, which was created in the former prisoner of war camp for those involved in the Warsaw Uprising, announced a new fashion collection for summer 1945 (some of which were m...
  • Roman Polański during a costume rehearsal, Munich 1976

    Roman Polański during a costume rehearsal, Munich 1976
  • Jan Kiepura in the crowd of fans, 1934

    The singer Jan Kiepura in the crowd of fans gathered in front of the Berlin Opera, 1934.
  • Poles in Maczków

    Poles in Maczków, 1945
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Fig. 13: DER SPIEGEL cover, issue 50/1980

    DER SPIEGEL cover, issue 50/1980
  • Multiplied Space IX

    Artymowska, Zofia (1923 Kraków - 2000 Warsaw). Serigraphy, Collage, 60.8 x 49.7 cm (41.6 x 41.1 cm); Inv. no. 2149.
  • Wechselausstellung in der Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen

    Wechselausstellung in der Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen „General Stefan Rowecki „Grot” - „Sonderhäftling“ im KZ Sachsenhausen 1943-44“, allgemeine Ansicht.