Insight into the exhibition piece by Roland Schefferski in the context of the fifth group exhibition to mark the 100-year anniversary of Bauhaus in the Galerie Bernau.
Großmutters Schatz/Skarb babuni, München 1885. Öl auf Leinwand, 140,5 x 107,5 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. Nr. MP 2112.
Stanisław Kubicki: Linoleumschnitt [Ekstase], 1920. Linolschnitt, von der Platte gedruckt, in: Der Sturm, 10. Jahrgang, 11. Heft, Februar 1920, Seite 153
She does not want to be called a gastronomer, restaurant owner, or even a businesswoman. She calls herself a host and that is exactly how she understands her tasks.