“The Scribe” Zofia Posmysz. A witness to history between truth and post-truth

Zofia Posmysz mit ihrem Mann, um 1960
Zofia Posmysz with her husband during a sea voyage, which was possibly an inspiration for her novel “The Passenger”, around 1960

In the light of Auschwitz and the Holocaust the language of words and the language of images are utterly helpless. They simply resist their content. All attempts to elicit an expression from these languages, all attempts to get them to reveal the truth of what happened – a truth that is utterly unbelievable – remain frustrated because of the sheer amount of emptiness. For this reason, from time to time it is worth limiting the languages and reducing their role to a neutral and subdued account of the facts, which neither attempts to violently substantiate them nor to evaluate them from a moral point of view. Zofia Posmysz uses such a form of language in her accounts of Auschwitz. And I have chosen to use such language in order to pass on her report. 


Maria Anna (Masza) Potocka, September 2017 


Addition by the ed.: 

Zofia Posmysz died shortly before her 99th birthday on 8 August 2022 in Oświęcim.

Published by MOCAK (Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow):
Maria Anna Potocka: Zofia Posmysz. Die Schreiberin [Szrajberka]. 7566. Auschwitz 1942–1945, Kraków/Göttingen 2019 + DVD [pol.: Kraków 2018 & 2. rev. ed. 2021]


Media library
  • Interview with Zofia Posmysz (Polish with German translation)

    ‘Warden Franz’. Excerpts compiled by Anna Maria Potocka (MOCAK, 2016)
  • Zofia Posmysz as a child

    Krakow, late 1920s
  • Zofia Posmysz as a teenager

    Around 1940
  • Zofia Posmysz as a teenager

    In the garden, around 1940
  • Identification

    Photographed during registration in the Auschwitz concentration camp
  • As a young woman

    In the 1950s
  • In the 1960s

  • Zofia Posmysz with her husband Jan Piasecki

    During a sea voyage that was possibly an inspiration for her novel ‘The Passenger’
  • Zofia Posmysz at the launch of the German edition of “The Passenger“

    At the book fair in Rostock
  • Zofia Posmysz with Pope Benedict XVI

    Krakow, 2006
  • Zofia Posmysz with Waldemar Dąbrowski, Director of the Teatr Wielki

    Before the premiere of the opera “The Passenger” in Warsaw, 2010
  • Zofia Posmysz – „Song for Masza“

    Zofia Posmysz sings for Maria Anna Potocka, 2016