Porta Polonica

Paderborn Westfriedhof

Memorial plaque at the burial ground for Poles and Russians at the cemetary in Paderborn
Memorial plaque at the burial ground for Poles and Russians at the cemetary in Paderborn






(The plot of Polish and Russian war victims)


The names of Polish women and men have been placed on 42 plates arranged in 7 rows; each of them bears 2 or 3 names. On the edge, there are 5 plates with 13 Russian names and a stone cross. Based on the data from the tombstones, we can say that 104 victims of war of Polish nationality were buried in that place. They include 7 children unknown by name. 

In the centrally located plots, there are several dozen stone plates with carved names of mainly German victims of Allied Forces' bombing of industrial facilities in the vicinity of Paderborn and transport nodes in the city. A dozen or so names suggest that foreigners, probably Poles, Ukrainians or Russians, as well as Italian forced laborers, who died with the Germans, were also buried there. 

Mediathek Sorted

Media library
  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

  • Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn

    Impressions of the western cemetery in Paderborn