The data in the left column come from Polish and English archival materials; the right column contains information written down from the tombstones (original spelling preserved):
Siuba Józef Cpl. Sioupa Josef * 1904 † 8.6.1945
2nd Motor Artillery Regiment
* 29.7.1914 Bukowe district Konin
† 8.6.1945
R-C. Serv. Number 1914/37/I-6720
SIENIEWICZ WŁODZIMIERZ Lance Corporal Rifles the grave was probably levelled
1st Motor Artillery Regiment
* 13.5.1909 Ożerany/Nowogródek
† 8/29.6.1945
R-C. Serv. Number 1909/2/I-8035
Morgenbesser Edmund Cpl the grave at the Jewish Cemetery has not been found
Highland Rifle Battalion
(of the Mosaic confessions)
* 13.1.1913 Nowy Targ, woj. krakowskie
† 26.10.1945 Wilhelmshaven in 7C.D.N. Gen. Hosp.
buried on the day of death caused by a hand grenade accident
R-C. Serv. Number 1913/95/I-32592