
The only grave of the three polish soldiers, which were burried in Lingen
The only grave of the three polish soldiers, which were burried in Lingen

The data in the left column come from Polish and English archival materials; the right column contains information written down from the tombstones (original spelling preserved):


Siuba Józef Cpl.  Sioupa Josef * 1904 † 8.6.1945

2nd Motor Artillery Regiment

* 29.7.1914 Bukowe district Konin

† 8.6.1945

R-C. Serv. Number 1914/37/I-6720


SIENIEWICZ WŁODZIMIERZ Lance Corporal Rifles   the grave was probably levelled

1st Motor Artillery Regiment

* 13.5.1909 Ożerany/Nowogródek

† 8/29.6.1945

R-C. Serv. Number 1909/2/I-8035


Morgenbesser Edmund Cpl   the grave at the Jewish Cemetery has not been found

Highland Rifle Battalion

(of the Mosaic confessions)

* 13.1.1913 Nowy Targ, woj. krakowskie

† 26.10.1945 Wilhelmshaven in 7C.D.N. Gen. Hosp.

buried on the day of death caused by a hand grenade accident

R-C. Serv. Number 1913/95/I-32592