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  • Prawdy Polaków

    The “Truths of Poles”

    Alongside the so-called Rodło emblem of the Union of Poles in Germany, the “Truths of Poles” have become the symbol of Poles in Germany.

  • The Rodło emblem

    The Rodło emblem

    The Rodlo emblem is a graphic representation of the Union of Poles in Germany which has existed since 1933.

  • Aleksander Brückner

    Aleksander Brückner

    Aleksander Brückner was a Polish Slavicist and historian of Polish literature in Berlin.

  • Ernst Willimowski before the match between Poland and Germany 1942

    Ernst Willimowski

    His football career would have put all the Klos’ and Podolskis in the shade. The way he played would have made him a superstar today like Messi, Ronaldo and Lewandowski. For he was the leading goalsco...

  •  “The Water Battle“, 3rd July 1974 After the skies had opened up over the Frankfurt stadium, officials attempt to clear the water off the flooded pitch with the help of rollers.

    The Water Battle

    The Polish football team has never won a match against Germany, and on the day of the semi-final match in the 1974 World Cup they were never so close. But instead of going down in history as the first...

  • The Reichstag building at Königsplatz (ca. 1900)


    According to the Berlin tourist guide Tomek, “the Reichstag stands on Polish ground”. This proud remark arouses particular interest in tourists from Poland.

  •  Dietrich Monten: Finis Poloniae 1831

    Finis Poloniae 1831

    After losing the battle of Maciejowice 1794 the Polish supreme commander Tadeusz Kościuszko is supposed to have spoken these words “Finis Poloniae” (The end of Poland).

  • Władysław Kozakiewicz and the “Kozakiewicz Gesture”, Moscow 1980

    Władysław Kozakiewicz - a pole vault away from Poland to Germany

    How must a person feel when he is bombarded with whistles of hatred – and that during the Olympic Games? The pole vault athlete Władysław Kozakiewicz can tell us from first-hand experience. He was in ...

  • Leszek Żądło, in concert 24.10.2012, Nuremberg, „Krakauer Turm”

    Leszek Żądło

    He was the first saxophone student in Poland at the Cracow music school. And in Germany he was the first saxophone professor at the Würzburg Academy of Music. Between the two dates lay a tumultuous Po...

  • Tomb of Queen Richeza in Cologne Cathedral

    Richeza / Rixa, Queen of Poland - Cologne Cathedral / Brauweiler abbey / Klotten

    Polish voices can be heard in one particular corner of Cologne Cathedral. Here people gather in front of the painted stone table of a mediaeval tomb and a classical wall tomb in the cathedral chapel o...

  • Hans Mocznay, The Hambach Festival on 27 May 1832, reproduction 1977, oil on wood, 108.5 x 151.5 cm

    The Hambach Festival

    The famous picture of the “Hambach Festival” by Hans Mocznay depicts Hambach castle shining against the horizon. In the middle of the picture thousands of people are marching joyfully towards the cast...

  • Robert Lewandowski, Łukasz Piszczek and Jakub Błaszczykowski with the Bundesliga Championship Shield 2012

    Polonia Dortmund

    The three Polish players Jakub Błaszczykowski, Łukasz Piszczek and Robert Lewandowski played a major role in this success of Borussia Dortmund (BVB) in the 2011/12 season.

  • Die Mitglieder der Bochumer Schmiede um 1925: Stefan Szczepaniak, Dr. Jan Kaczmarek und Dr. Józef  Michałek

    The Bochum forge

    For Polish immigrants it must have seemed like a Christmas miracle when the Polish priest Józef Szotowski was appointed to the post of chaplain at the parish of St. Peter in Bochum shortly before Chri...

  • Andrzej Szczypiorski

    Andrzej Szczypiorski

    In 2006, six years after his death, the former villa of the SS “inspector” Theodor Eicke in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, now a young people’s meeting place, was renamed the Andrzej Szczypiors...

  • Krzysztof Penderecki 2012. Alwernia. Krzysztof Penderecki podczas próby „Pasji według Świętego Łukasza” w reżyserii Grzegorza Jarzyny

    St. Pauls Cathedral, Münster / St. Luke’s Passion by Krzysztof Penderecki

    Krzysztof Penderecki was just 32 when his composition, the Passion of Saint Luke (“Passio et mors Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Lucam” / The suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ accordin...

  • The opening lines of “De Russorum religione, ritibus nuptiarum, funerum, victu, vestitu” by Johannes Maletius

    Johannes Maletius (Jan z Sącza) / Jan Malecki

    In a letter dated 24th of December 1537 to Bishop Paul Speratus, Duke Albrecht of Prussia expressed his dissatisfaction with the new archpriest of Lyck in the Duchy of Prussia near the border of the k...

  • Krzysztof Penderecki 2009. „Teatr Wielki” w Łodzi

    The Devils of Loudun / Hamburg Opera House / 1969 / Krzysztof Penderecki

    The opera was Penderecki’s second commission in Germany. On the 20th June 1969, three years after the premiere of his "St Luke's Passion" in Münster Cathedral, Krzysztof Penderecki’s first opera "The ...

  • The Polish Grammar School in Bytom (1939)

    The Polish grammar school in Bytom

    On 2nd November 1932 Jan Baczewski received to the foundation certificate for the first "Polish grammar school" in Germany, ten years after he had set up the League of Poles in Germany.

  • "The Polish pharmacy" in Berlin, ca. 1900

    The Polish Pharmacy in Berlin

    The name “Polish Pharmacy” existed until 1933 when the Nazis changed its name to "Dorothea Town Pharmacy". It was only after the building was redeveloped in 1998 that the words "Polish Pharmacy" and t...