Kalkstein, Antoni


Kalkstein, Antoni (Antoni Kalkstein Bonawentura z Pluskowęsów, Anton von Kalkstein), 1878-90 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire. *14.7.1839 Pluskowenz/Pluskowęsy near Schönsee/Kowalewo Pomorskie, † 4.9.1918 San Sebastian, lord of the manor. After attending the grammar school in Culm/Chełmno he studied at the universities in Krakow and Berlin. Subsequently he administrated the family estate in Pluskowenz. In a bye-election in April 1878, following the death of the Polish member of parliament Zygmunt Działowski (Sigismund von Dzialowski, 1843-1878), he was elected as a member of the Polish parliamentary group in the German Reichstag for the constituency of Karthaus-Neustadt/Kartuzy-Wejherowo with a majority of 76.86%. In July 1878, in October 1881, in October 1884 and in September 1887 he was elected with majorities between 73.34% and 77.56%.

Further reading:

Deutscher Parlaments-Almanach, Ausg. 13, Leipzig 1878, 170; Ausg. 16, Leipzig 1887, 174; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 87.


http://zhsf.gesis.org, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, September 2016