Czarliński, Emil (Emil Schedlin-Czarliński, Emil von Schedlin-Czarlinski), 1867-70, 1873-79 member of the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Landtag, 1867-71 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation. *5.5.1833 Chwarzno near Gdingen, †21.3.1913 Culm/Chełmno, lawyer, lord of the manor of the estate at Brachnowko/Brąchnówko, district of Thorn. Brother of the member of the Reichstag Leon Czarliński (1835-1918). After completing school he studied law in Breslau and after that spent one year and three months as an unpaid junior judge in Szamotuły. In 1860 he was elected county commissioner of the district of Strasburg/Brodnica, but this was not confirmed. In 1864 he was accused of participating in the 1863 Polish January Uprising, put in provisional detention for six months, and his assets were put into trust. Subsequently, however, he was not further persecuted. In the Reichstag of the North German Confederation he was a member of the Polish parliamentary group for the constituency of Karthaus-Neustadt/Kartuzy-Wejherowo. He voted against the federal constitution and the inclusion of the former Polish regions in the Federation.

Further reading:

Hirth's Parlaments-Almanach, Ausg. 5, Berlin 1867, 50; Ausg. 7, Berlin 1868, 134 f.; Ausg. 8, Berlin 1869, 135; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 87.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, March 2017


Czarliński, Emil (Emil Schedlin-Czarliński, Emil von Schedlin-Czarlinski), 1867-70, 1873-79 member of the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Landtag, 1867-71 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation. *5.5.1833 Chwarzno near Gdingen, †21.3.1913 Culm/Chełmno, lawyer, lord of the manor of the estate at Brachnowko/Brąchnówko, district of Thorn. Brother of the member of the Reichstag Leon Czarliński (1835-1918). After completing school he studied law in Breslau and after that spent one year and three months as an unpaid junior judge in Szamotuły. In 1860 he was elected county commissioner of the district of Strasburg/Brodnica, but this was not confirmed. In 1864 he was accused of participating in the 1863 Polish January Uprising, put in provisional detention for six months, and his assets were put into trust. Subsequently, however, he was not further persecuted. In the Reichstag of the North German Confederation he was a member of the Polish parliamentary group for the constituency of Karthaus-Neustadt/Kartuzy-Wejherowo. He voted against the federal constitution and the inclusion of the former Polish regions in the Federation.

Further reading:

Hirth's Parlaments-Almanach, Ausg. 5, Berlin 1867, 50; Ausg. 7, Berlin 1868, 134 f.; Ausg. 8, Berlin 1869, 135; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 87.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, March 2017