Chłapowski, Tadeusz (Thaddaeus von Chlapowski), 1854-79 member of the 1st Chamber, 1859-67 and 1870-73 the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Landtag, 1867-71 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation. *3.2.1824 (or 12.2.1826) Turew near Kosten/Kościan, †28.8.1879 Turew near Kosten/Kościan; deputy judge, estate owner. Son of the estate owner and Polish general, Dezydery Adam Chłapowski (1790-1879), brother of the Members of the Reichstag, Kazimierz and Stanisław Chłapowski. After completing grammar school he studied law in Bern, worked as a law court assessor and then took over the estate at Turew. In the Reichstag of the North German Confederation he was the Member for the constituency of Kröben/Krobia.

Further reading:

Hirth's Parlaments-Almanach, Ausg. 6, Berlin 1867, 30; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 49.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, March 2017


Chłapowski, Tadeusz (Thaddaeus von Chlapowski), 1854-79 member of the 1st Chamber, 1859-67 and 1870-73 the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Landtag, 1867-71 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation. *3.2.1824 (or 12.2.1826) Turew near Kosten/Kościan, †28.8.1879 Turew near Kosten/Kościan; deputy judge, estate owner. Son of the estate owner and Polish general, Dezydery Adam Chłapowski (1790-1879), brother of the Members of the Reichstag, Kazimierz and Stanisław Chłapowski. After completing grammar school he studied law in Bern, worked as a law court assessor and then took over the estate at Turew. In the Reichstag of the North German Confederation he was the Member for the constituency of Kröben/Krobia.

Further reading:

Hirth's Parlaments-Almanach, Ausg. 6, Berlin 1867, 30; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 49.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, March 2017