Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 28: Wooden Panel, 2001

    Wooden Panel, 2001. Various types of wood, partially charcoaled, nails, 412 x 220 x 17 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • PDF 17: 83. Ausstellung, 1920

    Dreiundachtzigste Ausstellung. Februar 1920. Jacoba van Heemskerck. Gesamtschau. Gemälde, Bildwerke, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Ausstellungs-Katalog Der Sturm, Berlin 1920 (Nr. 60-65: Stanislaus Kubicki,...
  • ill.22: Helena Bohle-Szacki, North wind, 1994

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, North wind, ink on cardboard, 1994
  • Mass grave for the concentration camp victims

    Marian Stefanowski, Mass grave for the concentration camp victims, 12 August 2018
  • Die Straße "Ulica Ofiar Oświęcimskich" in Breslau

    Die Straße "Ulica Ofiar Oświęcimskich" in Breslau.
  • Count Athanasius Raczyński

    Painting of Carl Wilhelm Wach
  • Fig. 20: Post-mortem photograph, 1930s

    Photograph of a deceased child, photograph, 1930s
  • Die Schlacht von Cecora/Bitwa pod Cecorą, 1878

    Die Schlacht von Cecora/Bitwa pod Cecorą, 1878. Öl auf Leinwand, 183,5 x 436 cm
  • ROUTES, 2002

    Single channel video. Copyright: Karina Smigla-Bobinski.
  • Rerum Natura (detail)

    2015, Paper, bleach, copper, oil on linen, 70 x 60 cm
  • Fig. 14: Westphalian State Museum of Industrial Heritage at the Hannover mine

    Malakow tower with adjacent machine hall at the Hannover mine / Westphalian State Museum of Industrial Heritage in the Bochum district of Hordel
  • Abb. 10: Stanisław Kubicki, Moses vor dem brennenden Dornbusch, 1933/34

    Stanisław Kubicki, Moses vor dem brennenden Dornbusch, Öl auf Leinwand, 1933/34
  • ill. 41: untitled, 2003

    untitled, 2003. Various types of wood, 880 x 220 x 16 cm (Detail), de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Polnischer Radler-Verein „Gwiazda“ (Stern) in Recklinghausen, ca. 1900

    Eine in den 1970-er Jahren abfotografierte Postkarte aus Recklinghausen Süd, um 1900
  • Fig. 10: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1952

    Title page of the May edition. The lower section of the article contains the words: “Not just the body, but the mind, too! On sports month”. In 1927, it was decided that the May edition would be dedic...
  • In the Barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing

    In the Barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing. An exhibition documenting the living and working conditions endured by the forced labourers will be housed in this barrack.
  • Interior view

    The Polish Failures Club, Ackerstrasse 169, Berlin-Mitte
  • Amateur-Filmaufnahmen des Papstbesuchs in Gelsenkirchen, 2. Mai 1987

    Amateur-Filmaufnahmen des Papstbesuchs im Parkstadion Gelsenkirchen am 2. Mai 1987. Ohne Ton.