Year (field_media_year)
  • Andrzej Wiesław Werczyński (1925-1945)

    Member of the uprising battalion ‘Gustaw’, Stalag XIB Fallingbostel, prisoner of war number 140 282, labour detachment no. 588 Herlingerode, died on 06.03.1945.
  • The winged altarpiece of Röhlinghausen

    The wedding at Cana, 2023
  • Agata Madejska, Installation view, Kingly Things, Coco Crampton & Agata Madejska at Chandelier Projects, London, 2015

    Agata Madejska, Installation view, Kingly Things, Coco Crampton & Agata Madejska at Chandelier Projects, London, 2015.
  • Józef Robakowski, From My Window 1978-1999

    From the series ‘Without series', video, 16 mm, 20 min
  • Cross and memorial slabs at the graveyard in Petershagen-Frille

  • Polish grammar school in Bytom - radio play in German

    In co-operation with ‘COSMO Radio po polsku’ we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • Hauptsitz des Rundfunks Berlin-Brandenburg

    Ansicht von der Masurenallee. Berlin, 2018
  • Document no. 98/2

    Notarised translation of the appointment of A. Topolnicki as a teacher, page 2
  • Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald

    Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2019
  • ill. 18b: Neuengamme Memorial, 1999

    Neuengamme Memorial, 1999. Commissioned by the Bund der Polen in Deutschland e.V. In memory of the persons deported from the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, Neuengamme concentration camp, Hamburg, Polish mem...
  • PDF 8: Thaddäus Rittner: Rettungsaktion, 1911

    Thaddäus Rittner: Rettungsaktion. Aus dem Tagebuch eines sehr gewöhnlichen jungen Menschen, in: Der Sturm, Jahrgang 1911, Nr. 51, Berlin, Hannover, 18.2.1911, Seite 404 f. und Nr. 52, Berlin, Hannover...
  • ill.9: Helena Bohle-Szacki, untitled, 1976

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, untitled, ink and paper on cardboard, 1976
  • Cell construction

    Marian Stefanowski, Cell construction – a mysterious place of gruesome abuse and murder, 4 November 2019
  • The plaque commemorates the concert by Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław

    The plaque on the Wroclaw Cathedral commemorates the concert by Fryderyk Chopin in Wrocław.
  • Władysław Strzemiński, Meerlandschaft

    1934, Gouache, 21 x 27 cm
  • Fig. 11: Parade in Herne, date unknown

    Parade in the Polish quarter, photograph, author and date unknown
  • Jürgen Tomm and Anatol Gotfryd, Reading in the Berlin Buchhändlerkeller on 4 March 2018. (Extract)

    Jürgen Tomm and Anatol Gotfryd, Reading in the Berlin Buchhändlerkeller on 4 March 2018. (Extract).
  • At the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Fuchsberg chapel in Schirgiswalde

    Hermann Scheipers 1960
  • Coma

    2016, Paper, spray paint, graphite, oil on linen, 180 x 160 cm
  • Fig. 5: Crucifix with Polish inscription

    Crucifix with Polish inscription in front of St. Joseph’s church in Stühmeyerstraße