Year (field_media_year)
  • Wiesław Rosocha: Posters

    Poster für for his solo exhibition in September 2010 in the Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery.
  • Ryszard Kaja: Posters

    Poster for his solo exhibition in February 2010 (honoured as one of the 100 best posters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
  • Bolesław Polnar: Posters and patterns

    Poster for his solo exhibition in the Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery.
  • Posters by Mirosław Adamczyk

    Poster for his solo exhibition in January 2009 (honoured as one of the 100 best posters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
  • Monika Starowicz: Poster for the exhibition “Three of five and not of ten”

    Together with Sebastian Kubica, Michał Książek.
  • Wiesław Wałkuski: Poster for his solo exhibition in December

    Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery: Plakate und Entwürfe.
  • Wiesław Grzegorczyk: Plakate und Entwürfe

    Poster for his solo exhibition in November.
  • Art not just from Poland

    Leszek Zebrowski: Advertising poster for the Gallery “Sklep”
  • The collector couple Joanna and Mariusz Bednarski talk about Polish poster art

    Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery in Berlin, September.
  • Poster for the opera "Kyberiade"

    With a libretto based on stories by Stanisław Lem, world premiere in Wuppertal.
  • Poster for the concert with Pius Cheung

    Drumfest in Opole on 23 October 2015.
  • Poster in German

    The poster for the 7th International Katarzyna Myćka Marimba Academy in Hanover 2015.
  • The poster for the 7th International Katarzyna Myćka Marimba Academy

    Hannover 2015, english version.
  • ill. 8: Make your own Picture of Berlin/ Stwórz sobie własny obraz Berlina

    Poster action on the occasion of the Berlin days in Warsaw in 2000.
  • Announcement of Łukasiewicz’s lecture

    University of Münster
  • Poster "P" of the Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland

    Collection Porta Polonica [from BPK]