Year (field_media_year)
  • Visitors to the opening event of the exhibition of Ewa Stefanski

    Wiesbaden 2019
  • Visitors to the opening event of the exhibition of Ewa Stefanski, 2019

    The speaker is Dr. Michael Grus
  • Opening of the exhibition of Ewa Stefanski’s work (also the 100th exhibition in the “PoKuSa” gallery), 2019

    Ewa Stefanski, Dr. Isolde Schmidt (Cultural Office Wiesbaden), Ewa Hartmann, Dr. Michael Grus
  • In front of Wiesbaden city hall, 2012

    Ewa Hartmann, Prof. Norman Smuzniak, Sibylle von Oppeln-Bronikowski, Prof. Katarzyna Koczyńska-Kielan
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, organiser of the exhibition Ewa Hartmann in front of the “PoKuSa” gallery
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, Janusz Maria Stefański, Ewa Stefanski, Prof. Przemysław Tyszkiewicz
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, the mayor of Wiesbaden Dr. Helmut Müller and the mayor of Wrocław Rafał Dutkiewicz
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, Prof. Norman Smużniak and Prof. Katarzyna Koczyńska-Kielan
  • Fig. 35: Painting by Jürgen Waller, 1987

    Jürgen Waller: 21. April 1945, 5 Uhr morgens, 1987. Oil on canvas, montage, Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Anna Krenz during the performance for Irena Bobowska by the Dziewuchy Berlin group

    Berlin 8/3/2021
  • Bronisława Czubakowska

    Image drawn from memory
  • Fig. 11: Szymanowska, 1825

    Aleksander Kokular: Portrait of Maria Szymanowska/Portret Marii Szymanowskiej, 1825. Oil on canvas, Inv. No. K.839, Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza, Warsaw
  • Fig. 10: Ulrike von Levetzow, ca. 1821

    Unknown: Portrait of Theodore Ulrike Sophie von Levetzow, ca. 1821. Pastel, 43.4 x 33.5 cm, Klassik Stiftung Weimar
  • Fig. 9: Brösigke’sches Haus, um 1821

    Unknown: Brösigke’sches Haus (Palais Klebelsberg) in Marienbad, ca. 1821, coloured lithograph, 44.9 x 65.1 cm, Klassik Stiftung Weimar
  • Fig. 8: Goethe, 1828

    Joseph Karl Stieler (1781-1858): Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1828. Oil on canvas, 78 x 63.8 cm, Inv. No. WAF 1048, Bavarian State Painting Collections – Neue Pinakothek Munich
  • Fig. 6: Goethe, 1823

    Orest Adamowitsch Kiprensky (1782-1836): Portrait of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Marienbad 1823. Lithograph based on a pencil drawing
  • Fig. 5: Marienbad, ca. 1820

    Ludwig Ernst von Buquoy (1783-1834): View of Marienbad, ca. 1820. Copperplate engraving, coloured, 28.5 x 44 cm, privately owned
  • Fig. 4: Marienbad, ca. 1820

    View of Marienbad, ca. 1820. Copperplate engraving, 8 x 13 cm. Title page to: List of spa guests arriving in Marienbad in 1823, Eger 1823
  • Fig. 3: Marienbad, ca. 1815

    The “Kreuzbrunnen” in Marienbad, ca. 1815. From: Franz Satori, Oesterreichs Tibur, oder Natur- und Kunstgemählde aus dem oesterreichischen Kaiserthume, Vienna 1819, frontispiece, Austrian National Lib...
  • Fig. 1: Szymanowska, 1816

    Zofia Woyno (ca. 1810-1830): Portrait of the pianist Maria Szymanowska, miniature, 1816. Gouache over pencil on paper, 14 x 10,4 cm, Inv. No. Min.628 MNW, National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w W...