Year (field_media_year)
  • Plakat "Frühlingsrauschen" z Margaux Kier, 2014 r.

    Plakat "Frühlingsrauschen" z Margaux Kier, 2014 r.
  • ill. 9a: DEEP TREE

    Long shot. A light installation in a public space. Living bamboos, mirror, maxi-slide. Premiere at the City of Sculpture project in Mérida/Yucatán 2008.
  • Dominikanerkirche St. Andreas, Düsseldorf

    Dominikanerkirche St. Andreas, Düsseldorf, mit der 1716/17 von Simone del Sarto an die Apsis angebauten Grabkapelle der herzoglichen Familie Pfalz-Neuburg
  • Abb. 49: Ausstellung „An der Schwelle der Unendlichkeit“, Sopot 2017

    Bilder der Ausstellung „An der Schwelle der Unendlichkeit“ in der Staatlichen Kunstgalerie Sopot, 2017
  • Poetic Jazz at the Słupsk Piano Festival

    Together with the Polish Philharmonic Orchestra Sinfonia Baltica.
  • Fig. 50: Memorial room for the murdered victims

    Inscription of 1979, Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Ill. 41: Title copper to Krasicki's rejuvenated old man

    Etching, from: A found story by Ignacy Krasicki, 1785.
  • Examination form of Stanislaus Kowalski (second page/rear page)

    A prisoner in the Hinzert camp; here: work education camp, from 17/12/1942 (arrival) until 25/1/1943 (departure)
  • Cups

    Cups. Find spot: Warstein.
  • Fig. 58: “Coming, Becoming, Going (II)” (Kommen, werden, gehen) 39, 1998

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • Tenement houses "Jaś i Małgosia" at the Wrocław Market Square, 1983

    Tenement houses "Jaś i Małgosia" at the Wrocław Market Square, 1983.
  • Ill. 74: The Carrying of the Cross

    1655/57. Copper engraving after a painting by Jacopo Bassano (Falck notes Paolo Veronese), 41.6 x 29.2 cm.
  • Albino

    Brush drawing, ink on paper, 24 x 17 cm, 2021
  • Impressions of the memorial of the subcamp Schillstraße in Braunschweig

  • Ill. 17: Tibor

    From the Novices series, C-Print, 79 x 66 cm
  • Participants of the study trip in the exhibition of the works of the former camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej

    Participants of the study trip view the drawn portraits with the distorted, gaunt facial features of the concentration camp prisoners in the exhibition of the works of Marian Kołodziej, Oświęcim 2019.
  • ill. 21: A postage stamp for the United Nations International Year of Peace

    Design Jan Lenica
  • Fortieth anniversary of Stodieck´s bookshop, November 2019

    Wojciech Drozdek (left) and Thomas Stodieck during the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of Stodieck´s bookshop, November 2019.