Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 9: Berliners, 2000/2012

    Berlińczycy, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Krakau 2012.
  • Daniel Libeskind am Tag der Eröffnung des Militärhistorischen Museums der Bundeswehr in Dresden, 2011

    Daniel Libeskind am Tag der Eröffnung des Militärhistorischen Museums der Bundeswehr in Dresden, 2011.
  • Dedication by Witold Gombrowicz

    Dedication by Witold Gombrowicz for Susanna Fels, 1964.
  • Ill. 5: Landscape at Dawn

    Oil on wood, 27.7 x 36.4 cm.
  • Gustav Schwarz (um 1800-1876): Das fürstlich Radziwill’sche Palais, 1833

    Stahlstich, gestochen von Hans Fincke (1800-1849), 9,7 x 14,8 cm, Verlag von George Gropius, Berlin
  • Der Bahnhof in Zbąszyń, 1930er Jahre

    Der Bahnhof in Zbąszyń, 1930er Jahre.
  • Abb. 2: Katarzyna Kozyra: Summertale

    Video, 19:56 minutes, Gallery Żak|Branicka, Berlin.
  • Norbert Widok after his release

  • Hannover Marienwerder

  • Vistula Bridge, built by Heinrich Humke's father

    Enabled a railway connection from Gdansk to East Prussia.
  • over her shoulder

    2022, 45 x 40 cm
  • Abb. 39: Geheimnis des Gärtners 5, 2005

    Geheimnis des Gärtners 5, 2005. Acryl auf Leinwand, 100 x 100 cm, Privatbesitz
  • “Paris, Bank of the Seine”

    From the series “Urban Spaces”, Inkjet photo print, 80 x 240 cm.
  • Warm Breath IX

    2022, Paper collage: sanded inkjet prints, spray paint, oil color, soot by fire, 46 x 60 cm
  • Roland Schefferski, Die Berliner, 2019

    Insight into the exhibition piece by Roland Schefferski in the context of the fifth group exhibition to mark the 100-year anniversary of Bauhaus in the Galerie Bernau.
  • Ill. 41b: Y. Gianikian/A. R. Lucchi - Journey to Russia

    1989-2017. Six-channel video and sound installation. Digital video transferred from various formats, colour and black and white, sound, 88 minutes. New Gallery
  • Puppets and accessories for the Polish classic “The Locomotive” by Julian Tuwim

    Poems were also performed on stage in Germany. The stage was redesigned and expanded for the purpose, 2005
  • Tombstones and memorial stones at Herfords main graveyard

  • Fig. 1: Unknown: Portrait of Józef Brandt

    Photograph on albumin paper, 9.9 x 6.2 cm
  • Impressions from the graves of the three polish soldiers and the cemetery in Hesel