Year (field_media_year)
  • Ill. 70: The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1655/57

    After a painting by Lorenzo Lotto, National Library of Warsaw/Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie.
  • Ohne Titel

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 62 x 47 cm, 2014
  • Tombstones with the names of the polish dead and the polish memorial

  • Ill. 12: Daniel, 2004

    Daniel, from the Novices series, 2004. C-Print, 79 x 66 cm
  • At the Museum of the Jewish Center in Oświęcim

    Participants of the study trip at the Museum of the Jewish Center in Oświęcim, 2019.
  • ill. 16: Jan Lenica, Othello, 1968

    Jan Lenica, Othello, 1968
  • In the operating theatre at Warsaw University

    Jan von Mikulicz-Radecki in the operating theatre at Warsaw University, 1899.
  • Dokument Nr. 91

    Information über die Bestätigung der Bürgschaft für Topolnicki und seine Familie.
  • Monument, stone slab at the gate and more tombstones

  • ill. 8: untitled, 1998

    untitled, 1998. Various types of wood, 248 x 222 x 14 cm (1st Prize, Prix du Jury, at the Salon de Printemps 98 – European Competition for Contemporary Art –, Luxemburg 1998), de Weryha Collection, Ha...
  • Medicine and crime

    Marian Stefanowski, Medicine and crime. The sick bay at Sachsenhausen concentration camp 1936-1945 – pathology, 12 August 2018
  • ill.1: Helena Bohle-Szacki's apartment in Berlin

    Helena Bohle-Szacki's apartment in Berlin
  • Fig. 14: Portrait of a woman, 1920s

    Portrait of a young woman, photograph, 1920s
  • The memorial plaque for Edmund Bojanowski

    The memorial plaque for Edmund Bojanowski.
  • Tatiana Czekalska, Leszek Golec

    Video still from the lecture by Dorota Monkiewicz, Orońsko 2020
  • Ein Schäferpaar im Wald – Idyll/Para pastuszków w lesie – Sielanka, München 1879

    Ein Schäferpaar im Wald – Idyll/Para pastuszków w lesie – Sielanka, München 1879. Öl auf Leinwand, 138 x 104 cm
  • The first provisional editorial offices

    The containers were placed outside the “Haus der Kulturen der Welt” in Berlin.
  • Solidarność poster

    You decide, Solidarność posters for the regional elections 1981
  • Abb. 1: Stanisław Kubicki, Miasteczko (Kleines Städtchen), 1913

    Stanisław Kubicki, Miasteczko (Kleines Städtchen), 1913
  • Meyer together with Irina Shostakovich in Dilijan, Armenia

    Krzysztof Meyer has many unforgettable memories of his numerous meetings with Dmitri Shostakovich, but unfortunately not a single photo.