Pieter van der Werff (1665-1722): Bildnis Karl III. Philipp von der Pfalz, vor 1694. Öl auf Leinwand, 81 x 66 cm, Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Inv. Nr. SMD.B 37
LWL-Historian Dr. Marcus Weidner used the found objects and his documents to reconstruct how the crime was committed
LWL-Historian Dr. Marcus Weidner, here at one of the shooting sites near Warstein-Suttrop, used the found objects and his documents to reconstruct how the crime was committed.
Topolnicki is informed to instruct the teachers from his school to go where there is a shortage of teachers in the event of a transfer to another camp.
Internationales Impfbuch von A. Topolnicki mit Lichtbild und Einträgen: Impfung gegen Pocken am 7.2.1951 in Schweinfurt. Keine Einträge über sonstige Impfungen.