Year (field_media_year)
  • The graves of the polish burial ground

  • Today's terrain of the Fortress in Magdeburg

    Today's terrain of the Fortress in Magdeburg.
  • Tombstones and information board  at the cemetery in Essen-Schönebeck

  • Ludwik (Ludwig Mehlhorn, 1950–2011), 1985

    Mathematician. Civil rights activist in the GDR. From the end of the 1970s, he maintained contact with the Polish Catholic community and with people involved in the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet...
  • The execution place at the former detention centre

  • Marta Kiszka und Agata Koch

    Gründerinnen des Sprachcafés Polnisch
  • ill. 7b: Sediment I und II, 1999-2000

    Exhibition, Danzig 2007.
  • Membership card of Paweł Nantki-Namirski

    From 1933. With the seal of the “Silesia Superior” society for academics in Upper Silesia
  • In the Park/W parku, Munich or Lwów, 1910

    In the Park/W parku, Munich or Lwów 1910. Watercolour over pencil on board, 46 x 33 cm
  • Kindheitsfotos

  • Abb. 2: Aleksander Lesser (1814-1884): Knight in armour

    Oil on canvas, 65,5 x 53,5 cm.
  • “Nähe des Geliebten” – live in the ‘Werkstatt der Kulturen’, Berlin, October 2005 (Studio version on the CD “Madonna, Hexe und Clown”, 1998)

    Vocals: Celina Muza | Music: Andrzej Zarycki | Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Musicians: Fuasi Abdul-Khaliq (sax), Guilherme Castro (bass), Zbigniew Kosmalski (piano), Rolo Rodriguez (drums), Magd...
  • Geburtshaus/Hof der Ur-Ur-Großmutter von Patrick Barteit Stanisława Tomczak

    Geburtshaus/Hof der Ur-Ur-Großmutter von Patrick Barteit Stanisława Tomczak (z.d. Bratkowska) in Binkowo (Śrem); v.r. Patrick Barteit und sein Cousin Krzysztof Budzyn, 2018
  • Karol Broniatowski, bronze sculpture

    Bronze sculpture.
  • ill. 10/11: The conquerors of Warsaw receive their trophies

    Polish title: Art thieves in Warsaw. In: Hitleriada macabra, sheet 10.
  • Zur Erinnerung an die 20 Zwangsarbeiterinnen aus Lodz. Die Jüngste (Aleksandra Wiśniewska) war 14 Jahre alt.

    Zur Erinnerung an die 20 Zwangsarbeiterinnen aus Lodz. Die Jüngste (Aleksandra Wiśniewska) war 14 Jahre alt.
  • Zbigniew Muszyński: Medals

    Zbigniew Muszyński: Medals
  • A common room in a student hall of residence

    Photo from the 1930s.
  • Titelbild der Mappe (Rückseite)

    Franciszek Herzog, „Religion: The Bulwark of POW´s. Religious Artwork in Woldenberg; the polish POW´s Camp in Germany 1940–1945”
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld