Year (field_media_year)
  • Karol Broniatowski, bronze sculptures and large-format gouaches

    Bronze sculptures and large-format gouaches.
  • ill. 10/5: A marksman

    In. Hitleriada macabra, sheet 4.
  • Parkfriedhof Marzahn, Abteilung 19: Gräber und eine Tafel zum Gedenken an den Tod von zwanzig Zwangsarbeiterinnen aus Lodz.

    Die Inschrift lautet: „Hier liegen zwanzig junge polnische Frauen, die am 4.9.1943 als Zwangsarbeiterinnen der A.E.G. bei einem Bombenangriff auf Berlin in der Grenzstraße 16 in Wedding ums Leben kame...
  • Zbigniew Muszyński (zweiter von links)

    Zbigniew Muszyński (zweiter von links)
  • School library

    Photo from the 1930s.
  • The New York Times Youth Forum, 1954

    Raphael Lemkin (fourth from right)
  • Teresa und Tadeusz Nowakowski in Maczków 1946

    Teresa und Tadeusz Nowakowski (oben von links) in Maczków 1946
  • Portrait of a Boy in a Hat

    Munich, oil on canvas, 26,2 x 19 cm
  • Visit of Poles from France in front of the Polish House in Bochum, 1961.

    Visit of Poles from France in front of the Polish House in Bochum, 1961.
  • Abb. 55: Raum 2/12, 2012

    Raum 2/12, 2012. Öl auf MDF, 205 x 130 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Ill. 87k: The letter K

    From the series Libellus novus elementorum latinorum, 20.8 x 19 cm, signed lower right: J.F. sculp.
  • folie a deux

    2022, 100 x 80 cm
  • Arkadiusz Bożek, Vice President of the 1st District of the Union of Poles in Germany, waits at the Słubice-Brandenburg border for the passage of the coffin with the body of Father Bolesław Domański

    Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, no. 119 from 1/5/1939
  • Roland Schefferski, Die Berliner, 2019

    Insight into the exhibition piece by Roland Schefferski in the context of the fifth group exhibition to mark the 100-year anniversary of Bauhaus in the Galerie Bernau.
  • Ill. 28: Benjamin

    From the Scouts and Guides series, C-Print, 45 x 33 cm
  • Ev.-luth. Waldfriedhof

  • ill. 23: Magazine ‘Jenseits der Oder’ [Beyond the Oder], Issue 6

    Published by the German Society for Cultural and Economic Exchange with Poland. Due to the unresolved border status from the perspective of the FRG, the title of the magazine was a provocation.
  • Graves of the two polish soldiers and impressions from the cemetery

  • The birth certificate of Józef Tomczak

    The birth certificate of Józef Tomczak
  • Tombstones with polish names