Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 10: Memorial to the murdered Soviet prisoners

    Anatoli Mossitschuk: Memorial to the murdered Soviet prisoners, 1985. At the entrance to the rose garden, Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Fig. 9: Entrance to the rose garden

    Entrance to the rose garden, Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Commemorative plaque in Poznań (2012)

    On Irena Bobowska Square (skwer im. Ireny Bobowskiej), Poznań
  • Anna Krenz during the performance for Irena Bobowska by the Dziewuchy Berlin group

    Berlin 8/3/2021
  • Bronisława Czubakowska

    Image drawn from memory
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Information about Bronisława Czubakowska, memorial archive
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Photocopy of a “bill of costs” for the relatives of a person sentenced to death
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Documentation room on the history of the prison and the role of the judiciary in the Third Reich
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Information panel about a Polish couple from near Konin sentenced to death for providing assistance to a Russian prisoner of war
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Execution barracks as seen from the prison wing, which no longer stands
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Memorial wall
  • Berlin-Plötzensee memorial site

    Inside the execution barracks
  • The grave of Barbara Kwiatkowska-Lass

    In the Rakowicki Cemetery in Kraków
  • Wandtafel von „Radio Multikulti“

    Mit einem polnischen Wörterbuch, einem Sprichwort von Stanisław Jerzy Lec und einem Rezept für Gurkensuppe
  • Jacek Kowalski am Grab von Oberst Wincenty Broniwój-Orliński

    Auf dem Alten Friedhof in Ostrów Wielkopolski, 2017
  • ill. 72c: Bergedorf Memorial, 2012

    Bergedorf Memorial, 2012. To the memory of the forced labourers of the Nazi rule in Bergedorf, on the initiative of the AG Gedenken, Schleusengraben-Promenade am Kampdeich in Hamburg-Bergedorf; memori...
  • ill. 72b: Bergedorf Memorial, 2012

    Bergedorf Memorial, 2012. To the memory of the forced labourers of the Nazi rule in Bergedorf, on the initiative of the AG Gedenken, Schleusengraben-Promenade am Kampdeich in Hamburg-Bergedorf, concre...
  • ill. 72a: Bergedorf Memorial, 2012

    Bergedorf Memorial, 2012. To the memory of the forced labourers of the Nazi rule in Bergedorf, on the initiative of the AG Gedenken, Schleusengraben-Promenade am Kampdeich in Hamburg-Bergedorf, concre...
  • ill. 18c: Neuengamme Memorial, 1999

    Neuengamme Memorial, 1999. Commissioned by the Bund der Polen in Deutschland e.V. In memory of the persons deported from the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, Neuengamme concentration camp, Hamburg, German mem...
  • ill. 18b: Neuengamme Memorial, 1999

    Neuengamme Memorial, 1999. Commissioned by the Bund der Polen in Deutschland e.V. In memory of the persons deported from the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, Neuengamme concentration camp, Hamburg, Polish mem...