Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 18: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1962

    Title page of the special edition celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Union.
  • Memorial room, which was created by the artists

    Today, the area of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing is characterized by its existing socio-cultural mixed use. The artists had already created a memorial room in one of the barracks at their own...
  • Another page

    "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium"
  • Roman Kochanowski, page from a sketch book

    Roman Kochanowski, page from a sketch book showing a peasant’s horse and carriage in motion, pencil on paper, 15 x 11 cm
  • Roma Stacherska-Jung mit Doro Dietsch

    Porträtiert werden auch deutsche Bürger, die sich für die deutsch-polnische Annäherung einsetzen. Roma Stacherska-Jung mit Doro Dietsch von der „Deutsch-Polnischen Parlamentariergruppe“.
  • Tadeusz Kantor: Informel

    1958, oil on canvas, 75 x 110 cm.
  • Sonnenfrau

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 22 x 17 cm, 2022
  • German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2007

    German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2007
  • Flyer: Commander Piłsudski spends his “name day” in a German prison, 1918

    Flyer: Commander Piłsudski spends his “name day” in a German prison, 1918
  • Performance by the Szczecin Theater KANA

    Performance by the Szczecin Theater KANA of the play entitled “Vater” (Polish: “Projekt Ojciec”), 2017.
  • ill. 73: Wooden Panel, 2012

    Wooden Panel, 2012. Poplar, 50 x 50 x 9 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Tombstones of the Poles and memorial plate at the school buuilding

  • The Polish 1st Armoured Division in Maczków

    The Polish 1st Armoured Division in Maczków, 1945
  • Fig. 1: Title page of “Dziennik Berliński” from 9/10 December 1922

    With an appeal issued to readers to join the newly founded Union of Poles in Germany.
  • Ludwik Wasecki in his dental practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg

    Ludwik Wasecki in his dental practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
  • Details of the main routes with branches

    Transit routes taken by Polish fighters in the November uprising and the German organisations providing help to Poland 1831 – 1833 (detail). H. Asmus, 1981
  • Roman Kochanowski, Girl on the shore of a lake

    Roman Kochanowski, Girl on the shore of a lake, cover page, draft, black chalk on board, 32 x 23.6 cm
  • Laudacjo Polonicus 2017

    Roma Stacherska-Jung bei ihrer Laudatio anlässlich des Polonicus-Preises 2017.
  • ill. 9b: DEEP TREE

    Detailed view.
  • Scheinschwangerschaft III

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 20 x 15 cm, 2024