Year (field_media_year)
  • The barrack 5 of the former Forced Labour Camp Neuaubing

    In barrack 5 of the former Forced Labour Camp Neuaubing, an exhibition of the Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism is to be created. Even before the opening, the site can ...
  • Copy of the baptismal certificate of Stanisław Mikołajczyk

    The baptism took place on 21.07.1901
  • Roman Kochanowski, illustrations

    Roman Kochanowski, illustrations, handwriting sample and sketch of a figure, drafts, pen and ink on paper, 20.8 x 22 cm
  • Ein interessantes Interview mit dem ehemaligen Premier Waldemar Pawlak

    Ein interessantes Interview mit dem ehemaligen Premier Waldemar Pawlak.
  • ill. 8a: RETURN TO SENDER

    Long/ wide shot. Video stage design for performance. Video, tents, stage screen, projector. The Montpellier Dance Festival 2006.
  • Werkstatt

    Berlin 2024
  • Pracownia Katarzyny Kincel-Ossolinskiej w Berlinie, 2020 r.

    Pracownia Katarzyny Kincel-Ossolinskiej w Berlinie, 2020 r.
  • Janusz Maria Stefański und das Polish Jazz Ensemble, 2000

    Janusz Maria Stefański und das Polish Jazz Ensemble, Frankfurt 2000
  • ‘Lake in winter’

    Watercolour, felt-tip pen on paper, 150 x 120 cm.
  • Abb. 21: Dornenkrönung, 1492

    Dornenkrönung Christi. Hochaltar der ehem Franziskanerkirche St. Antonius zu München (1802/03 abgerissen), 1492
  • Fig. 20a: Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski

    Attack by wolves, 1910, wood engraving
  • Paweł Brandys (1869-1950), Polish clergyman

    1907-18 Member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
  • Iwona Rozbiewska

    Studied at the Warsaw and Munich Art Academies and did her doctorate at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. In her work, she refers to architecture and culture.
  • The Sierakowskis leave Waplewo

  • Fig. 26: Self-Portrait with Masks, 1900

    Wojciech Weiss: Self-Portrait with Masks, 1900. Oil on canvas, 90 x 72 cm, inv. no. MNK II-b-877, National Museum of Kraków/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
  • Karol Broniatowski vor dem Mahnmal für die ermordeten und deportierten Juden aus Berlin, 1991

    Karol Broniatowski vor dem Mahnmal für die ermordeten und deportierten Juden aus Berlin, 1991
  • Ill. 4: Louis XIV as a child, 1646/47

    After a painting by Justus van Egmont, British Museum, London.
  • Record cover “Tell me” by Karin Stanek and the band Blackbird

    Record cover “Tell me” by Karin Stanek and the band Blackbird, West Germany, 1982
  • Ruins of the Church of St. Catherine in Wrocław, 1958

    Ruins of the Church of St. Catherine in Wrocław, 1958.