Year (field_media_year)
  • Warm Breath IX

    2022, Paper collage: sanded inkjet prints, spray paint, oil color, soot by fire, 46 x 60 cm
  • Abb. 3: Józef Simmler (1823-1868): Death of Barbara Radziwill

    Oil on canvas, 96 x 111 cm.
  • Ill. 44: The Polish Diet of 1789

    Etching, in: Portraits.
  • Fig. 2: Stańczyk, 1862

    Jan Matejko: Stańczyk, 1862. Oil on canvas, 88 x 120 cm, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
  • Singularity I - Birth and Death of a Galaxy / diptych

    2019, Paper, bleach, graphite, oil on linen, 50 x 40 cm each
  • Abb. 16: Olga Boznańska (1865-1940): Girl with tulips

    Oil on cardboard, 71 x 73 cm.
  • Ill. 57: A brawl between two Senators in which a third man is killed

    Etching, in: 6 prints on the history of Poland 1797.
  • Fig. 15: Spring, 1898

    Wojciech Weiss: Spring, 1898. Oil on canvas, 96.5 x 65.5 cm, inv. no. MP 3879 MNW, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
  • Mensura

    Installation view – Measuring the World , CentralTrak, University of Dallas, Texas, US, 2016
  • 17 I 74

    Fijałkowski, Stanisław (1922 Zdołbunów/Wolhynien - 2020, Łódź). Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm; Inv. no. 2090.
  • Ill. 14: The Paris Opera at Night I

    Oil on canvas, 161 x 129,4 cm.
  • „Mein,/mój/my Amsterdam” - Impressive parade of sailing ships on the banks of the Ij

    Around the main station, watercolour painting.
  • Visitors to the opening event of the exhibition of Ewa Stefanski

    Wiesbaden 2019
  • Albino

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 22 x 17 cm
  • ill. 8b: Untitled

    Exterior: Flower roundabout in front of Borbeck Mansion, covered with a ca. 20,000 cm white plastic surface, ∅ = 1300 cm. Galerie im Schloss Borbeck, Essen, Danuta Karsten exhibtion: room installation...
  • ill. 9/8: My name is Meier if a single British bomb falls on Berlin. I guarantee that a geranium will grow on my palm sooner.

    In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 7.
  • Trial before the Village Mayor

    Munich, oil on canvas, 64,5 x 147 cm
  • The winged altarpiece of Röhlinghausen

    The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, 2023
  • Altar from around 1640–50 with national Polish saints in the Frombork Cathedral

    The large centre painting shows Stanislaus Kostka flanked by two statues: Adalbert (left), Stanislaus of Krakow (right)
  • ill. 11b: This Concerns You, 2

    On the occasion of the international art project Słubfurt City?, Frankfurt (Oder ) / Słubice, 2004/05.