Year (field_media_year)
  • Ill. 8a: Venus and Adonis, after Peter Paul Rubens

    Private collection, Berlin. Cut flat glass on metal construction, 68 x 120 x 30 cm, digital inkjet print on paper, 95 x 138 cm.
  • Ill. 24: Miss Chrzaszczewska

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • ill. 93: Wooden Object, 2017

    Wooden Object, 2017. Spruce, cut and broken, wooden dowels, 250 x 198 x 198 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Pyrexia

    2021, Paper, spray paint, graphite, oil on linen, 180 x 145 cm
  • Abb. 15: A page from ‘The Poles in Munich’

    Die Polen in München [The Poles in Munich], in: Die Kunst für alle. Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur, vol. 3, München 1887/88, p. 60 f.
  • Ill. 56: The Grand Master of the Teutonic Order let interrogate Luther

    Etching, in: Six Prints on the history of Poland (Conclusion), 1797.
  • Fig. 14: Room 5. Spring Awakening (“Silent Rebels” exhibition)

    J. Malczewski: “Spring”, 1898; W. Hofman: “Spring”, 1918; “Nativity Scene”, 1918; K. Sichulski: “Spring” triptych, 1909
  • Mensura

    Installation view – Measuring the World, CentralTrak, University of Dallas, Texas, US, 2016
  • Memory/Watchwords (4)

    Marta Deskur (*1962 Kraków, lives there). Four-part photo work, each 123 x 200 cm, video 3 min. 12 secs.; Inv. no. 3982 a-d.
  • Ill. 13: The Louvre by Night I

    Oil on canvas, 120.5 x 76.5 cm.
  • „Mein,/mój/my Amsterdam” - Picturesque sailing ships on the shores of Amsterdam Noord

    Watercolour painting.
  • Visitors to the opening event of the exhibition of Ewa Stefanski, 2019

    The speaker is Dr. Michael Grus
  • Der Himmel über dem Krieg

    Öl auf Leinwand, 200 x 240 cm, 2021
  • ill. 8a: Untitled

    Interior: 32 transparent sheets, hand drawing with paint stick, each 280 x 120 cm. Galerie im Schloss Borbeck, Essen, exhibition Danuta Karsten. Room installation.
  • ill. 9/7: The Dream of Power

    In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 6.
  • Horse Market

    Oil on canvas, 50,8 x 76,2 cm
  • The winged altarpiece of Röhlinghausen

    Elisabeth of Thuringia and Adalbert of Prague, 2023
  • The mother of God hands Stanislaus the baby Jesus

    Stained-glass window in the chapel of the Finding of the Cross in the former Jesuit College in Dillingen
  • ill. 11a: This Concerns You

    On the occasion of the international art project Słubfurt City?, Frankfurt (Oder ) / Słubice, 2004/05.
  • ill. 12/3: Merkur

    In: Olymp of Today, plate 9.