Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 27: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Basswood, 200 x 197 x 55 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 57: “From Here to There” (Von hier bis dort) 2, 1996

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • ill. 13: CONE

    A sound installation.Tophane-i Amire Culture and Arts Centre, Istanbul 2013.
  • ill. 15c: Fountain on Franz-Neumann-Platz

    Top view.
  • ill. 59: untitled, 2007

    untitled, 2007. Spruce, charcoaled, 700 x 200 x 10 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 89: “Episodes” (Episoden) B, 2000–2017

    Mixed technique on paper, 15x17.5 cm each, private collection
  • Ill. 6a: Abb. 6a: The Presentation nach Pietro Longhi

    Private collection USA. Cut flat glass on metal construction, 25 x 40 x 25 cm.
  • Ill. 21:Miss Ledóchowska

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • ill. 90: Wooden Panel, 2016

    Wooden Panel, 2016. Spruce, cut and broken, 107.5 x 107.5 x 14 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Installation view: Das Ende wird dennoch kommen

    2021, Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf
  • Abb. 12: Wojciech Kossak (1856-1942): Self-portrait with palette

    Oil on canvas, 151 x 105 cm.
  • Ill. 53: Sobieski terminates the boring conversation with Leopold on the plain near Vienna in 1683

    Etching, in: Six Prints on the History of Poland, 1796.
  • Fig. 11: Room 4. Polish Landscapes (“Silent Rebels” exhibition)

    F. Ruszczyc: “Cloud”, 1902; “Winter Fairy Tale”, 1904; “Old Apple Trees”, 1900; K. Krzyżanowski: “Verkiai near Vilnius”, 1907; five landscape sketches; K. Stabrowski: “A Breath of Autumn”, ca. 1910; J...
  • A Parvula Aetate

    2018, Paper, charcoal, oil on linen, 50 x 40 cm
  • Fig. 24: Room 8. Portraits (“Silent Rebels” exhibition)

    E. Okuń: “Self-Portrait in Spanish Costume”, 1911; J. Fałat: “Self-Portrait”, 1896; J. Malczewski: “On One String. Self-Portrait”, 1908; J. Malczewski: “The Story of a Song. Portrait of Adam Asnyk”, 1...
  • Trabant V + I

    2015, Paper, bleach, charcoal on linen, 40 x 30 cm each
  • 1 ½ Mandala

    Makowski, Zbigniew (*1930 Warsaw - 2019 Warsaw). Water colour on paper, 48 x 61 cm; Inv. no. 1220.
  • Exhibited works by Maria Jarema (1908-1958) and Jerzy Nowosielski (1923-2011)

    From l. to r.: Jarema, Filter XIII, 1954; Nowosielski, Female Swimmer, 1959 and Synthetic Landscape, 1961.
  • "Mein/mój/my Amsterdam" - Prinsengrachtkanał in front of the "Westertoren"

    Watercolour painting
  • Przemysław Tyszkiewicz

    Master of aquatint