Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 85: “Departure, Exodus” (Fortgang, Exodus) 44, 2002

    Acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm, private collection
  • Ill. 3b: The Young Ones after Francisco de Goya

    Template for 3a. Digital inkjet print on paper, 29 x 19.6 cm.
  • Ill. 17: Chodowiecki portrays the voivode Przebendowska

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • ill. 86: Wooden Object, 2014

    Wooden Object, 2014. Poplar, cut and broken, 142 x 142 x 21 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Installation view: Das Ende wird dennoch kommen

    2021, Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf
  • Abb. 8: Władysław Czachórski (1850-1911): Fig. 8: Władysław Czachórski (1850-1911): Portrait of Stanisław Czachórski [the artist's brother]

    Oil on canvas, 154 x 100 cm.
  • Ill. 49: Boleslaw II compels Polish women to carry small dogs at their breast

    Etching, in: Six Prints on the History of Poland, 1796.
  • Fig. 7: Indian Summer, 1875

    Józef Chełmoński: Indian Summer, 1875. Oil on canvas, 119.5 x 156 cm, inv. no. MP 423 MNW, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
  • Equinox

    Installation view, Cloppenburg, 2018
  • Multiplied Space IX

    Artymowska, Zofia (1923 Kraków - 2000 Warsaw). Serigraphy, Collage, 60.8 x 49.7 cm (41.6 x 41.1 cm); Inv. no. 2149.
  • Ill. 6: Doorway in the Old Town

    Oil on canvas, 64 x 49 cm.
  • „Mein,/mój/my Amsterdam” - Nieuwmarkt, De Waag

    Watercolour painting.
  • Fig. 40: Pythia, 1917

    Jacek Malczewski: Pythia, 1917. Oil on canvas, 210 x 110 cm, National Museum of Kraków/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
  • Ausgestellte Werke in der Galerie Kungerkiez

    Berlin, 2023
  • ill. 13a: Untitled

    Paper, nylon string, glue, ca. 66,000 paper cards, each 2 x 7 cm, H = 700 cm, W = 800 cm, D = 800 cm, Atrium im Dominohaus, Reutlingen, Danuta Karsten exhibition: Papier bewegt.
  • ill. 9/13: The Little Innocent

    Gentlemen, Iet me tell you something. I am totally innocent. I am only a little marshal and someone else is guilty. In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 12.
  • Portrait of the Painter Stanisław Czajkowski

    The Brother of the Artist, Cracow or Munich, oil on canvas, 90,5 x 59,5 cm
  • Fig. 2: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 20, 1984

    Black and coloured ink on paper, 31.5x32 cm, private collection
  • Right-hand side window in the choir of St.-Johannes-Kirche church: John the Baptist is decapitated

    Left in the scene Herodias and Salome
  • ill. 15b: Inwentaryzacja/Inventory, 2

    Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Góra.