Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 13b: What does a fir tree do …, 2

    On the occasion of the art project "Let’s get down to Work"; in the garden of the LandKunstLeben At Club e.V., In the former Steinhöfel Schlossgarten /Brandenburg.
  • ill. 2: Wilhelm's father Frederick William III of Prussia

    Painting by Ernst Gebauer, oil on canvas, 90.5 x 66.5 cm, Preußen-Museum Nordrhein-Westfalen, Minden.
  • Fig. 1 Attack by wolves

  • Fig. 30: “It Teeters (II)” (Es taumelt) 3, 2001

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • The Neustädter Markt and Sakramentinerinnen Church

    Undated, oil on canvas, 84 x 106 cm, National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
  • ill. 26: Natalia Stachon: Parade of Remains

    Exhibition view. 2014, Coloured ropes, steel, stainless steel, rubber, Gallery Żak|Branicka, Berlin.
  • ill. 32: Wooden Panel, 2001

    Wooden Panel, 2001. Spruce, charcoaled, birch, nails, 470 x 240 x 17 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 62: “Meetings on the Road (II)” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 29, 2000

    Pencil, coloured pencils, black ink on paper, 12x12 cm, private collection
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf v. Menzel in the atelier of the painter Adalbert von Kossak.

    In: Berliner Leben. Zeitschrift für Schönheit und Kunst, Berlin 1899, p. 41.
  • ill. 22: Iris

    Bronze, height: 75 cm. Exhibition in the Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Zachęta, Warsaw.
  • ill. 64: Wooden Panel, 2010

    Wooden Panel, 2010. Oak, nails, 140 x 140 x 11 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 94: “I Don’t See It, so It Isn’t There” (Seh nicht, also ist nicht) 3/4, 2022

    Nie widzę, więc nie ma, Hamburg 2022. Double page 3/4
  • Ill. 8c: Venus and Adonis

    Detail, exhibition ‘Streichelzoo’, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf.
  • Ill. 26: Chodowiecki draws Madame Öhmchen

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • ill. 95: de Weryha Collection, Hamburg

    de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Pyrocene VIII

    2021, Paper collage: sanded inkjet prints, spray paint, soot by fire, 44 x 34 cm
  • Abb. 17: Otolia Gräfin Kraszewska (1859–1945): Self-portrait

    Oil on wood, 28 x 21 cm.
  • Ill. 58: Religious dialogue in Thorn

    Etching, in: 6 sheets on the history of Poland 1797.
  • Fig. 16: My Models, 1897

    Jacek Malczewski: My Models, 1897. Oil on canvas, 63 x 36 cm, inv. no. MNK II-b-159, National Museum of Kraków/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
  • Mensura

    Installation view – Measuring the World, CentralTrak, University of Dallas, Texas, US, 2016