Year (field_media_year)
  • Fair

    Munich, oil on canvas, 46 x 68 cm
  • Exhibition “Jerzy Skolimowski – Paintings” in the “nüü” gallery

  • Ohne Titel

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 62 x 47 cm, 2016
  • ill. 1: Retrieved from Memory

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Wiedergewonnen aus dem Gedächtnis, Konzept Museum Galerie, Berlin 1994.
  • ill. 10/8: Investigating a 16-year old girl

    In: Hitleriada macabra, sheet 7. Polish title: A captured courier from the underground army in Warsaw. Text on the drawing: SS men – Knights and the pride of the German people.
  • “Zorki”

    From the series “Blow Ups”, photogram, 200 x 300 cm.
  • Fig. 17: “Departure, Exodus” (Fortgang, Exodus) 13, 2000

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • Exhibition view “Extreme Tension. Art between Politics and Society. Collection of the Nationalgalerie 1945–2000”

    Neue Nationalgalerie, 18/11/2023–28/9/2025

    Single channel video, 25 mins. Copyright: Karina Smigla-Bobinski.
  • ill. 13: Ryszard Waśko: Black Film No. 3

    Oil and mixed technique on canvas. Private owner. Courtesy Galerie m Bochum.
  • The Neustädter Markt and Sakramentinerinnen Church

    Undated, oil on canvas, 84 x 106 cm, National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
  • ill. 26: Natalia Stachon: Parade of Remains

    Exhibition view. 2014, Coloured ropes, steel, stainless steel, rubber, Gallery Żak|Branicka, Berlin.
  • ill. 32: Wooden Panel, 2001

    Wooden Panel, 2001. Spruce, charcoaled, birch, nails, 470 x 240 x 17 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 62: “Meetings on the Road (II)” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 29, 2000

    Pencil, coloured pencils, black ink on paper, 12x12 cm, private collection
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolf v. Menzel in the atelier of the painter Adalbert von Kossak.

    In: Berliner Leben. Zeitschrift für Schönheit und Kunst, Berlin 1899, p. 41.
  • ill. 22: Iris

    Bronze, height: 75 cm. Exhibition in the Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Zachęta, Warsaw.
  • ill. 64: Wooden Panel, 2010

    Wooden Panel, 2010. Oak, nails, 140 x 140 x 11 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 94: “I Don’t See It, so It Isn’t There” (Seh nicht, also ist nicht) 3/4, 2022

    Nie widzę, więc nie ma, Hamburg 2022. Double page 3/4
  • Ill. 8c: Venus and Adonis

    Detail, exhibition ‘Streichelzoo’, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf.
  • Ill. 26: Chodowiecki draws Madame Öhmchen

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.