Year (field_media_year)
  • Lady in a Violet Dress with Flowers

    Munich 1880-90, oil on canvas, 55 x 78 cm
  • Fig. 1: “Meetings on the Road” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 35, 1995

    Black ink, gouache on paper, 36x47.5 cm, private collection
  • Left-hand side window in the choir of St.-Johannes-Kirche church in Recklinghausen-Suderwich

    John acclaims Christ as the Son of God after baptising him in the Jordan
  • ill. 14a: Our Garden

    On the occasion of the art project "Blossoming Landscapes", Zempow/Brandenburg 2008; in the farm garden at the Buchfinkenhof.
  • Abb. 5: Elisa's father Prince Anton Radziwiłł

    Lithograph by Karol Antoni Simon, 1824/30, 17.3 x 15.3 cm (detail without the writing).
  • ill. 3: untitled, 1997

    untitled, 1997. Various types of wood, 228 x 84 x 51 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 33: “Coming, Becoming, Going” (Kommen, werden, gehen) 21, 1993

    Black ink on paper, 42x29.5 cm, private collection
  • ill. 10: Ryszard Waśko: Four films

    Films “Space out of”, ca. 13 mins; “A Corner 1-2”, “?????”; “Soundline”, 1972 onwards. Galerie Żak|Branicka, Berlin.
  • ill. 16: untitled, 1999

    untitled, 1999. Various types of wood, 356 x 356 x 14 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 46: “Departure, Exodus” (Fortgang, Exodus) 41, 2000

    Black ink on paper, 32x41 cm, private collection
  • ill. 8b: RETURN TO SENDER

    Detailed view. Video stage design for performance. Video, tents, stage screen, projector. Premiere: the Montpellier Dance Festival 2006.
  • ill. 2: Newsprint figures, photographed in Warsaw-Radość

    Newsprint, polyester, height 175 cm.
  • ill. 48: untitled, 2005

    untitled, 2005. Poplar, 320 x 320 x 40 cm, Owner: Galeria Szyb Wilson, Kattowitz
  • Fig. 78: “Onwards” (Weiter) 15, 2021

    Acrylic on canvas, 30x30 cm, private collection
  • Małgorzata Gurowska: ‘JAZZ!’

    Poster for exhibition in april.
  • Abb. 10: On the side of the "English House"

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • ill. 79: Wooden Panel, 2013

    Wooden Panel, 2013. Spruce, 106 x 104 x 10 cm (Detail), de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Warm Breath VII

    2022, Paper collage: sanded inkjet prints, spray paint, soot by fire, 62 x 51 cm
  • Abb. 1: Józef Brandt (1841-1915): Jan Karol Chodkiewicz in der Schlacht von Chocim

    [Jan Karol Chodkiewicz at the Battle of Chocim]. Oil on canvas, 190 × 337 cm.
  • Ill. 42: The Eye of Providence

    Etching. Vignette for a prayer, "ordered by the priest Thomas Grem in Bertung near Allenstein in the Ermeland diocese..."