Year (field_media_year)
  • Visitors to the opening event of the exhibition of Ewa Stefanski

    Wiesbaden 2019
  • Albino

    Pinselzeichnung, Tusche auf Papier, 22 x 17 cm
  • ill. 8b: Untitled

    Exterior: Flower roundabout in front of Borbeck Mansion, covered with a ca. 20,000 cm white plastic surface, ∅ = 1300 cm. Galerie im Schloss Borbeck, Essen, Danuta Karsten exhibtion: room installation...
  • ill. 9/8: My name is Meier if a single British bomb falls on Berlin. I guarantee that a geranium will grow on my palm sooner.

    In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 7.
  • Trial before the Village Mayor

    Munich, oil on canvas, 64,5 x 147 cm
  • The winged altarpiece of Röhlinghausen

    The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, 2023
  • Altar from around 1640–50 with national Polish saints in the Frombork Cathedral

    The large centre painting shows Stanislaus Kostka flanked by two statues: Adalbert (left), Stanislaus of Krakow (right)
  • ill. 11b: This Concerns You, 2

    On the occasion of the international art project Słubfurt City?, Frankfurt (Oder ) / Słubice, 2004/05.
  • ill. 12/4: Hefaistos

    In: Olymp of Today, sheet 11.
  • Unknown author: Portrait of Ignacy Jan Paderewski

    Oil on canvas, ca. 1915.
  • Fig. 29: “Together” (Zusammen) 4, 2000

    Black ink on paper, 32x40.5 cm, private collection
  • Iron Gate Square

    Ca. 1779, oil on canvas, 116 x 164 cm, National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
  • ill. 25: Natalia Stachon: Dawn Words Falling

    2015. Multi-part sculpture, galvanised stainless steel, synthetic resin with glass fibre, rubber, Galerie Żak|Branicka, Berlin. Exhibition in Marl.
  • ill. 31: Wooden Panel, 2001

    Wooden Panel, 2001. Various types of wood, nails, 412 x 216 x 18 cm (Detail), de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 61: “Journeys” (Auf Reisen) 23, 2000

    Black ink on paper, 24x30 cm, private collection
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II visits the workshop of the painter Adalbert von Kossak

    In: Berliner Leben. Zeitschrift für Schönheit und Kunst, Berlin 1899, p. 39.
  • ill. 21: Nude IV

    Bronze, height 127 cm.
  • ill. 63: Wooden Panel, 2009

    Wooden Panel, 2009. Spruce, charcoaled, twigs, 101 x 101 x 10 cm (Detail), de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 93: “I Don’t See It, so It Isn’t There” (Seh nicht, also ist nicht) 1/2, 2022

    Nie widzę, więc nie ma, Hamburg 2022. Double page 1/2
  • Ill. 8b: Venus and Adonis

    Detailed view of 8a.